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Carryover/Carry Forward

Carryover is when the balance of unused funds at the end of a Budget Period is transferred (or carried forward) into the following Budget Period. Some sponsors allow automatic carry forward of funds from year to year, others require prior approval.

Carryover requests that require prior approval must be coordinated through OSP.

  • Submit a request to OSP through myResearch Grants according to these instructions. Generally the following information is needed for the request:
  • Amount of funds to be carried forward
  • Explanation of the unobligated balance (why did the budget not match expenditures?)
  • Detailed budget of carryover amount (how are these funds going to be spent?)
  • Scientific justification (how will this carryover impact/benefit the award?)

OSP will coordinate with OGM the submission of carryover requests since no  expenditures from the current Budget Year can be encumbered, and final invoice for the current Budget Year must be submitted in advance or at the time of carryover request.