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Below is a list of recommended books.   You are welcome to visit the library. 

TITLEA Toolbox for Department Chairs AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLEAcademic administrator's guide to conflict resolution AUTHOR(S)Sandra Cheldelin
TITLEACT on Life Not on Anger:  The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Guide to Problem Anger AUTHOR(S)Georg H. Eifert, Matthew McKay, John P. Forsyth & Steven C. Hayes
TITLEAngry All the Time - Second Edition - An Emergency Guide to Anger Control AUTHOR(S)Ronald Potter-Efron
TITLEAnxiety at Work - 8 Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done AUTHOR(S)Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton with Anthony Gostick
TITLEAsk for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything AUTHOR(S)Alexandra Carter
TITLEBeating the Workplace Bully - A Tactical Guide to Taking Charge AUTHOR(S)Lynne Curry
TITLEBelonging - The Science of Creating Connections and Bridging Divides AUTHOR(S)Geoffrey L. Cohen
TITLEBIFF - Quick Responses to High-Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Email and Social Media Meltdowns AUTHOR(S)Bill Eddy
TITLEChoosing Civility - The Twenty Five Rules of Considerate Conduct AUTHOR(S)P.M. Forni
TITLECoaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice, 1st Edition AUTHOR(S)Elena Aguilar
TITLECoaching for Performance AUTHOR(S)Sir John Whitmore
TITLECommunication - The essence of group synergy AUTHOR(S)John E. Baird, Jr. & Sanford B. Weinberg
TITLEComplaint! AUTHOR(S)Sara Ahmed
TITLEConflict Management For Managers - Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes AUTHOR(S)Susan S. Raines
TITLECreating Healthy Organizations:  how vibrant workplaces inspire employees to achieve sustainable success AUTHOR(S)Graham S. Lowe
TITLECreativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (Expanded edition) AUTHOR(S)Ed Catmull
TITLECrucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High AUTHOR(S)Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron Mcmillian & Al Switzler
TITLEDare to Lead - Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. AUTHOR(S)Brené Brown
TITLEDealing with People You Can't Stand - How to Bring Out the Best in People At Their Worst AUTHOR(S)Rick Brinkman and RIck Kirschner
TITLEDesigning & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Trainings, and Retreats AUTHOR(S)Ken Nelson & David Ronka
TITLEDifficult Conversations - How to Discuss What Matters Most AUTHOR(S)Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen & Roger Fisher
TITLEDignity - Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict AUTHOR(S)Donna Hicks
TITLEEmotional Intelligence 2.0 AUTHOR(S)Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves
TITLEEmotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More Than IQ AUTHOR(S)Daniel Goleman
TITLEEscape from Cluelessness - A Guide for the Organizationally Challenged AUTHOR(S)Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal
TITLEEverything is Workable - A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution AUTHOR(S)Diane Musho Hamilton
TITLEFaculty Incivility AUTHOR(S)Darla J. Twale & Barbara M. De Luca
TITLEFirst, Break All the Rules -  What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently AUTHOR(S)Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman
TITLEFlawless Consulting - A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used AUTHOR(S)Peter Block
TITLEFocus - The Hidden Driver of Excellence AUTHOR(S)Daniel Goleman
TITLEForgive for Good - A PROVEN Prescription for Health and Happiness AUTHOR(S)Frederic Luskin
TITLEGetting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) AUTHOR(S)Amy Gallo
TITLEGetting Past No - Negotiating In Difficult Situations AUTHOR(S)William Ury
TITLEGetting Things Done AUTHOR(S)David Allen
TITLEGetting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In AUTHOR(S)Roger Fisher & William Ury
TITLEHBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict AUTHOR(S)Amy Gallo
TITLEHigh Conflict - Why we get trapped and how we get out AUTHOR(S)Amanda Ripley
TITLEHow Did That Happen - Holding People Accountable - for Results - The Positive, Principled Way AUTHOR(S)Roger Connors & Tom Smith
TITLEHow to Be a Dean AUTHOR(S)George Justice
TITLEHow to Make Meetings Work AUTHOR(S)Michael Doyle & David Straus
TITLEHumble Inquiry - The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling AUTHOR(S)Edgar H. Schein
TITLEIkigai - The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life AUTHOR(S)Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles
TITLEInfluence is Your Superpower - The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen AUTHOR(S)Zoe Chance
TITLEIn Sheep's Clothing - Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People AUTHOR(S)George Simon, Jr.
TITLEJust Listen - Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone AUTHOR(S)Mark Goulston
TITLELeaders Eat Last - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't AUTHOR(S)Simon Sinek
TITLELeadership and Self-Deception - Getting Out of the Box AUTHOR(S)The Arbinger Institute
TITLELeading Change AUTHOR(S)John P. Kotter
TITLELearned Optimism -  How to Change Your Mind and Your Life AUTHOR(S)Martin E.P. Seligman
TITLEMade to Stick - Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die AUTHOR(S)Chip Heath & Dan Heath
TITLEMaking Conflict Work - Harnessing the Power of Disagreement AUTHOR(S)Peter T. Coleman & Robert Ferguson
TITLEManagement of the Absurd AUTHOR(S)Richard Farson
TITLEManaging Transitions - Making the Most of Change AUTHOR(S)William Bridges with Susan Bridges
TITLEManaging UP - How To Move UP, Win At Work and Succeed With Any Type of Boss AUTHOR(S)Mary Abbajay
TITLEMastering Civility - A Manifesto for the Workplace AUTHOR(S)Christine Porath
TITLENew to the Administration - Everything new administrators need to know to be successful AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLENew to the Dean's Role - Everything new deans need to know to be successful AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLENew to the Department Chair - Everything new department chairs need to know to be successful AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLENew to the Faculty - Everything new professors need to know to be successful AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLENew to Tenure - Everything those newly tenured need to know to be successful AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education
TITLEOrganizational Culture and Leadership - 5th Edition AUTHOR(S)Edgar H. Schein with Peter Schein
TITLEOur Iceberg is Melting - Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions AUTHOR(S)John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber
TITLEPeople Styles at Work and Beyond AUTHOR(S)Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton
TITLEPerfect Phrases for  Dealing with Difficult People AUTHOR(S)Susan F. Benjamin
TITLEPerfect Phrases for  Managers and Supervisors AUTHOR(S)Meryl Runion
TITLEPerformance Appraisal Phrase Book - Effective Words, Phrases, and Techniques for Successful Evaluations AUTHOR(S)Corey Sandler and Janice Keefe
TITLEPrinciples:  Life and Work AUTHOR(S)Ray Dalio
TITLEPowerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult  People AUTHOR(S)Renee Evenson
TITLEQuiet - The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking AUTHOR(S)Susan Cain
TITLEReframing Organizations - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership AUTHOR(S)Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal
TITLEResilience:  The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges AUTHOR(S)Steven M. Southwick & Dennis S. Charney
TITLESay What You Mean - A mindful approach to nonviolent communication AUTHOR(S)Oren Jay Sofer
TITLEStart with Why - How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action AUTHOR(S)Simon Sinek
TITLESupervising Conflict - A Guide for Faculty AUTHOR(S)Healther McGee Peggs
TITLESwitch - How to Change Things When Change is Hard AUTHOR(S)Chip Heath & Dan Heath
TITLETaming the Abrasive Manager - How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace AUTHOR(S)Laura Crawshaw
TITLETeam building:  a practical guide for trainers AUTHOR(S)Neil Clark
TITLEThanks for the Feedback - The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well AUTHOR(S)Douglas Stone & Shelia Heen
TITLEThe 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable AUTHOR(S)Patrick Lencioni
TITLEThe 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People AUTHOR(S)Gary Chapman & Paul White
TITLEThe 5 Levels of Leadership - Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential AUTHOR(S)John C. Maxwell
TITLEThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change AUTHOR(S)Stephen R. Covey
TITLEThe 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Follow Them and People Will Follow You AUTHOR(S)John C. Maxwell
TITLEThe Advantage - Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else AUTHOR(S)Pat Lencioni
TITLEThe Argument Culture - Stopping America's War of Words AUTHOR(S)Deborah Tannen
TITLEThe Art of Gathering - How we meet and why it matters AUTHOR(S)Priya Parker
TITLEThe Big Book of Conflict Resolution Games - Quick, Effective Activities to Improve Communication, Trust and Collaboration AUTHOR(S)Mary Scannell
TITLEThe Bully at Work - What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job AUTHOR(S)Gary Namie & Ruth F. Namie
TITLEThe Bully-Free Workplace - Stop Jerks, Weasels, and Snakes from Killing Your Organization AUTHOR(S)Gary Namie & Ruth F. Namie
TITLEThe Checklist Manifesto - How to Get Things Right AUTHOR(S)Atul Gawande
TITLEThe Civility Solution - What to do When People Are Rude AUTHOR(S)P.M. Forni
TITLEThe Coaching Habit - Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever AUTHOR(S)Michael Bungay Stanier
TITLEThe Comfort Crisis - Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self AUTHOR(S)Michael Easter
TITLEThe Complete Guide to Understanding, Controlling, and Stopping Bullies & Bullying at Work:  A Complete Guide for Managers, Supervisors, and Co-Workers AUTHOR(S)Margaret R. Kohut
TITLEThe Cost of Bad Behavior - How Incivility Is Damaging Your Business and What to Do About It AUTHOR(S)Christine Pearson & Christine Porath
TITLEThe Culture Code - The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle
TITLEThe Dynamics of Conflict AUTHOR(S)Bernard Mayer
TITLEThe Effective Executive - The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done AUTHOR(S)Peter F. Drucker
TITLEThe Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution AUTHOR(S)Dudley Weeks
TITLEThe Energey Bus - 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy AUTHOR(S)Jon Gordon
TITLEThe Fearless Organization - Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth AUTHOR(S)Amy C. Edmondson
TITLEThe First-Time Manager -Seventh Edition AUTHOR(S)Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, Gary S. Topchik
TITLEThe Four Tendencies - The Indispensible Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better Too) AUTHOR(S)Gretchen Rubin
TITLEThe Inner Work of Racial Justice - Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness AUTHOR(S)Rhonda V. Magee
TITLEThe Insider's Guide to Culture Change - Creating A Workplace That Delivers, Grows, and Adapts AUTHOR(S)Siobhan McHale
TITLEThe Little Book of Talent - 52 Tips for Improving Skills AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle
TITLEThe Making of A Manager - What to do when everyone looks to you AUTHOR(S)Julie Zhuo
TITLEThe Mediator's Handbook AUTHOR(S)Jennifer E. Beer & Caroline C. Packard with Eileen Stief
TITLEThe Mediator's Toolkit - Formulating and Asking Questions for Successful Outcomes AUTHOR(S)Gerry O'Sullivan
TITLEThe Neutrality Trap - Disrupting and Connecting for Social Change AUTHOR(S)Bernard Mayer & Jacqueline N. Font-Guzman
TITLEThe No Asshole Rule:  Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't AUTHOR(S)Robert Sutton
TITLEThe One Minute Manager AUTHOR(S)Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
TITLEThe Person You Mean to Be:  How Good People Fight Bias AUTHOR(S)Dolly Chugh
TITLEThe Power of a Positive No - Save the Deal, Save the Relationship - And Still Say No AUTHOR(S)William Ury
TITLEThe Power of Positive Leadership AUTHOR(S)Jon Gordon
TITLEThe Sociopath Next Door AUTHOR(S)Martha Stout
TITLEThe Talent Code - Greatness Isn't Born, It's Grown. AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle
TITLEThe Three Signs of a Miserable Job - A Fable For Managers (and their employees) AUTHOR(S)Patrick Lencioni
TITLEThink Again AUTHOR(S)Adam Grant
TITLEThinking Fast and Slow AUTHOR(S)Daniel Kahneman
TITLEWho Moved My Cheese? - An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life AUTHOR(S)Spencer Johnson
TITLEWords Can Change Your Brain - 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy AUTHOR(S)Andrew Newberg, Mark Robert Waldman
TITLEWords that Work - It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear AUTHOR(S)Frank Luntz
TITLEWorking Relationships:  The Simple Truth About Getting Along with Friends and Foes at Work AUTHOR(S)Bob Wall

Work Rules! - Insights From Inside Google That Will Transform How You LIve and Lead

AUTHOR(S)Laszlo Bock
TITLEYou Just Don't Understand - Women and Men in Conversation AUTHOR(S)Deborah Tannen
TITLEYou're Not Listening - What You're Missing and Why it Matters AUTHOR(S)Kate Murphy