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Below is a list of recommended books. You are welcome to visit the library.
TITLEA Toolbox for Department Chairs | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLEAcademic administrator's guide to conflict resolution | AUTHOR(S)Sandra Cheldelin |
TITLEACT on Life Not on Anger: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Guide to Problem Anger | AUTHOR(S)Georg H. Eifert, Matthew McKay, John P. Forsyth & Steven C. Hayes |
TITLEAngry All the Time - Second Edition - An Emergency Guide to Anger Control | AUTHOR(S)Ronald Potter-Efron |
TITLEAnxiety at Work - 8 Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done | AUTHOR(S)Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton with Anthony Gostick |
TITLEAsk for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything | AUTHOR(S)Alexandra Carter |
TITLEBeating the Workplace Bully - A Tactical Guide to Taking Charge | AUTHOR(S)Lynne Curry |
TITLEBelonging - The Science of Creating Connections and Bridging Divides | AUTHOR(S)Geoffrey L. Cohen |
TITLEBIFF - Quick Responses to High-Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Email and Social Media Meltdowns | AUTHOR(S)Bill Eddy |
TITLEChoosing Civility - The Twenty Five Rules of Considerate Conduct | AUTHOR(S)P.M. Forni |
TITLECoaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice, 1st Edition | AUTHOR(S)Elena Aguilar |
TITLECoaching for Performance | AUTHOR(S)Sir John Whitmore |
TITLECommunication - The essence of group synergy | AUTHOR(S)John E. Baird, Jr. & Sanford B. Weinberg |
TITLEComplaint! | AUTHOR(S)Sara Ahmed |
TITLEConflict Management For Managers - Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes | AUTHOR(S)Susan S. Raines |
TITLECreating Healthy Organizations: how vibrant workplaces inspire employees to achieve sustainable success | AUTHOR(S)Graham S. Lowe |
TITLECreativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (Expanded edition) | AUTHOR(S)Ed Catmull |
TITLECrucial Conversations - Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High | AUTHOR(S)Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron Mcmillian & Al Switzler |
TITLEDare to Lead - Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. | AUTHOR(S)Brené Brown |
TITLEDealing with People You Can't Stand - How to Bring Out the Best in People At Their Worst | AUTHOR(S)Rick Brinkman and RIck Kirschner |
TITLEDesigning & Leading Life-Changing Workshops: Creating the Conditions for Transformation in Your Groups, Trainings, and Retreats | AUTHOR(S)Ken Nelson & David Ronka |
TITLEDifficult Conversations - How to Discuss What Matters Most | AUTHOR(S)Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen & Roger Fisher |
TITLEDignity - Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict | AUTHOR(S)Donna Hicks |
TITLEEmotional Intelligence 2.0 | AUTHOR(S)Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves |
TITLEEmotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More Than IQ | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Goleman |
TITLEEscape from Cluelessness - A Guide for the Organizationally Challenged | AUTHOR(S)Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal |
TITLEEverything is Workable - A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution | AUTHOR(S)Diane Musho Hamilton |
TITLEFaculty Incivility | AUTHOR(S)Darla J. Twale & Barbara M. De Luca |
TITLEFirst, Break All the Rules - What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently | AUTHOR(S)Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman |
TITLEFlawless Consulting - A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used | AUTHOR(S)Peter Block |
TITLEFocus - The Hidden Driver of Excellence | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Goleman |
TITLEForgive for Good - A PROVEN Prescription for Health and Happiness | AUTHOR(S)Frederic Luskin |
TITLEGetting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) | AUTHOR(S)Amy Gallo |
TITLEGetting Past No - Negotiating In Difficult Situations | AUTHOR(S)William Ury |
TITLEGetting Things Done | AUTHOR(S)David Allen |
TITLEGetting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In | AUTHOR(S)Roger Fisher & William Ury |
TITLEHBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict | AUTHOR(S)Amy Gallo |
TITLEHigh Conflict - Why we get trapped and how we get out | AUTHOR(S)Amanda Ripley |
TITLEHow Did That Happen - Holding People Accountable - for Results - The Positive, Principled Way | AUTHOR(S)Roger Connors & Tom Smith |
TITLEHow to Be a Dean | AUTHOR(S)George Justice |
TITLEHow to Make Meetings Work | AUTHOR(S)Michael Doyle & David Straus |
TITLEHumble Inquiry - The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling | AUTHOR(S)Edgar H. Schein |
TITLEIkigai - The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life | AUTHOR(S)Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles |
TITLEInfluence is Your Superpower - The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen | AUTHOR(S)Zoe Chance |
TITLEIn Sheep's Clothing - Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People | AUTHOR(S)George Simon, Jr. |
TITLEJust Listen - Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone | AUTHOR(S)Mark Goulston |
TITLELeaders Eat Last - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't | AUTHOR(S)Simon Sinek |
TITLELeadership and Self-Deception - Getting Out of the Box | AUTHOR(S)The Arbinger Institute |
TITLELeading Change | AUTHOR(S)John P. Kotter |
TITLELearned Optimism - How to Change Your Mind and Your Life | AUTHOR(S)Martin E.P. Seligman |
TITLEMade to Stick - Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die | AUTHOR(S)Chip Heath & Dan Heath |
TITLEMaking Conflict Work - Harnessing the Power of Disagreement | AUTHOR(S)Peter T. Coleman & Robert Ferguson |
TITLEManagement of the Absurd | AUTHOR(S)Richard Farson |
TITLEManaging Transitions - Making the Most of Change | AUTHOR(S)William Bridges with Susan Bridges |
TITLEManaging UP - How To Move UP, Win At Work and Succeed With Any Type of Boss | AUTHOR(S)Mary Abbajay |
TITLEMastering Civility - A Manifesto for the Workplace | AUTHOR(S)Christine Porath |
TITLENew to the Administration - Everything new administrators need to know to be successful | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLENew to the Dean's Role - Everything new deans need to know to be successful | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLENew to the Department Chair - Everything new department chairs need to know to be successful | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLENew to the Faculty - Everything new professors need to know to be successful | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLENew to Tenure - Everything those newly tenured need to know to be successful | AUTHOR(S)The Chronicle of Higher Education |
TITLEOrganizational Culture and Leadership - 5th Edition | AUTHOR(S)Edgar H. Schein with Peter Schein |
TITLEOur Iceberg is Melting - Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions | AUTHOR(S)John Kotter & Holger Rathgeber |
TITLEPeople Styles at Work and Beyond | AUTHOR(S)Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton |
TITLEPerfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People | AUTHOR(S)Susan F. Benjamin |
TITLEPerfect Phrases for Managers and Supervisors | AUTHOR(S)Meryl Runion |
TITLEPerformance Appraisal Phrase Book - Effective Words, Phrases, and Techniques for Successful Evaluations | AUTHOR(S)Corey Sandler and Janice Keefe |
TITLEPrinciples: Life and Work | AUTHOR(S)Ray Dalio |
TITLEPowerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People | AUTHOR(S)Renee Evenson |
TITLEQuiet - The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking | AUTHOR(S)Susan Cain |
TITLEReframing Organizations - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership | AUTHOR(S)Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal |
TITLEResilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges | AUTHOR(S)Steven M. Southwick & Dennis S. Charney |
TITLESay What You Mean - A mindful approach to nonviolent communication | AUTHOR(S)Oren Jay Sofer |
TITLEStart with Why - How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action | AUTHOR(S)Simon Sinek |
TITLESupervising Conflict - A Guide for Faculty | AUTHOR(S)Healther McGee Peggs |
TITLESwitch - How to Change Things When Change is Hard | AUTHOR(S)Chip Heath & Dan Heath |
TITLETaming the Abrasive Manager - How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace | AUTHOR(S)Laura Crawshaw |
TITLETeam building: a practical guide for trainers | AUTHOR(S)Neil Clark |
TITLEThanks for the Feedback - The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well | AUTHOR(S)Douglas Stone & Shelia Heen |
TITLEThe 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable | AUTHOR(S)Patrick Lencioni |
TITLEThe 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People | AUTHOR(S)Gary Chapman & Paul White |
TITLEThe 5 Levels of Leadership - Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential | AUTHOR(S)John C. Maxwell |
TITLEThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | AUTHOR(S)Stephen R. Covey |
TITLEThe 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Follow Them and People Will Follow You | AUTHOR(S)John C. Maxwell |
TITLEThe Advantage - Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else | AUTHOR(S)Pat Lencioni |
TITLEThe Argument Culture - Stopping America's War of Words | AUTHOR(S)Deborah Tannen |
TITLEThe Art of Gathering - How we meet and why it matters | AUTHOR(S)Priya Parker |
TITLEThe Big Book of Conflict Resolution Games - Quick, Effective Activities to Improve Communication, Trust and Collaboration | AUTHOR(S)Mary Scannell |
TITLEThe Bully at Work - What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job | AUTHOR(S)Gary Namie & Ruth F. Namie |
TITLEThe Bully-Free Workplace - Stop Jerks, Weasels, and Snakes from Killing Your Organization | AUTHOR(S)Gary Namie & Ruth F. Namie |
TITLEThe Checklist Manifesto - How to Get Things Right | AUTHOR(S)Atul Gawande |
TITLEThe Civility Solution - What to do When People Are Rude | AUTHOR(S)P.M. Forni |
TITLEThe Coaching Habit - Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever | AUTHOR(S)Michael Bungay Stanier |
TITLEThe Comfort Crisis - Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self | AUTHOR(S)Michael Easter |
TITLEThe Complete Guide to Understanding, Controlling, and Stopping Bullies & Bullying at Work: A Complete Guide for Managers, Supervisors, and Co-Workers | AUTHOR(S)Margaret R. Kohut |
TITLEThe Cost of Bad Behavior - How Incivility Is Damaging Your Business and What to Do About It | AUTHOR(S)Christine Pearson & Christine Porath |
TITLEThe Culture Code - The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle |
TITLEThe Dynamics of Conflict | AUTHOR(S)Bernard Mayer |
TITLEThe Effective Executive - The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done | AUTHOR(S)Peter F. Drucker |
TITLEThe Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution | AUTHOR(S)Dudley Weeks |
TITLEThe Energey Bus - 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy | AUTHOR(S)Jon Gordon |
TITLEThe Fearless Organization - Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth | AUTHOR(S)Amy C. Edmondson |
TITLEThe First-Time Manager -Seventh Edition | AUTHOR(S)Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, Gary S. Topchik |
TITLEThe Four Tendencies - The Indispensible Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better Too) | AUTHOR(S)Gretchen Rubin |
TITLEThe Inner Work of Racial Justice - Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness | AUTHOR(S)Rhonda V. Magee |
TITLEThe Insider's Guide to Culture Change - Creating A Workplace That Delivers, Grows, and Adapts | AUTHOR(S)Siobhan McHale |
TITLEThe Little Book of Talent - 52 Tips for Improving Skills | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle |
TITLEThe Making of A Manager - What to do when everyone looks to you | AUTHOR(S)Julie Zhuo |
TITLEThe Mediator's Handbook | AUTHOR(S)Jennifer E. Beer & Caroline C. Packard with Eileen Stief |
TITLEThe Mediator's Toolkit - Formulating and Asking Questions for Successful Outcomes | AUTHOR(S)Gerry O'Sullivan |
TITLEThe Neutrality Trap - Disrupting and Connecting for Social Change | AUTHOR(S)Bernard Mayer & Jacqueline N. Font-Guzman |
TITLEThe No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't | AUTHOR(S)Robert Sutton |
TITLEThe One Minute Manager | AUTHOR(S)Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson |
TITLEThe Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias | AUTHOR(S)Dolly Chugh |
TITLEThe Power of a Positive No - Save the Deal, Save the Relationship - And Still Say No | AUTHOR(S)William Ury |
TITLEThe Power of Positive Leadership | AUTHOR(S)Jon Gordon |
TITLEThe Sociopath Next Door | AUTHOR(S)Martha Stout |
TITLEThe Talent Code - Greatness Isn't Born, It's Grown. | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Coyle |
TITLEThe Three Signs of a Miserable Job - A Fable For Managers (and their employees) | AUTHOR(S)Patrick Lencioni |
TITLEThink Again | AUTHOR(S)Adam Grant |
TITLEThinking Fast and Slow | AUTHOR(S)Daniel Kahneman |
TITLEWho Moved My Cheese? - An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life | AUTHOR(S)Spencer Johnson |
TITLEWords Can Change Your Brain - 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy | AUTHOR(S)Andrew Newberg, Mark Robert Waldman |
TITLEWords that Work - It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear | AUTHOR(S)Frank Luntz |
TITLEWorking Relationships: The Simple Truth About Getting Along with Friends and Foes at Work | AUTHOR(S)Bob Wall |
Work Rules! - Insights From Inside Google That Will Transform How You LIve and Lead |
AUTHOR(S)Laszlo Bock |
TITLEYou Just Don't Understand - Women and Men in Conversation | AUTHOR(S)Deborah Tannen |
TITLEYou're Not Listening - What You're Missing and Why it Matters | AUTHOR(S)Kate Murphy |