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Facilities Description


Chemistry Building


The Chemistry Department houses in the basement of the chemistry building a recently purchased Bruker Ascend™ 700 MHz spectrometer, equipped with a variable temperature accessory, a digital temperature control unit and Z-gradient electronics.

Two probes are available for this instrument:

Inverse Triple Resonance (TXI) 5 mm room temperature  Probe for 1H observation and 13C and 15N decoupling, equipped with automatic tuning and matching module, and Z-gradient.

A Quadruple Resonance (QCI) CryoProe 5 mmfor enhanced 1H and 13C, observation and decoupling with15N and 31P observation and decoupling, with automatic tuning and matching and Z-gradient. 0°C to 80 °C Variable Temperature range

Bruker Ascend 700 MHz

Bruker Avance III console

A 500 MHz spectrometer recently upgraded with a Bruker Avance III Console equipped with a variable temperature accessory, a digital temperature control unit and Z-gradient electronics.

Probes available for this instrument are:

A room temperature Inverse Triple Resonance Broadband (TBI) 5 mm Probe for 1H observation and 13C and BB decoupling (tunable from 15N to 31P) equipped with Z-gradient.

A room temperature SmartProbe™ (5 mm) for1H and 19F observation and decoupling ,  and  X-nucleus observation tunable from 15N to 31P with automatic tuning and matching and Z-gradient.

AProdigy™ CryoProbe (5 mm) for 1H or 19F observation and decoupling and X-nucleus observation and decoupling tunable from 15N to 31P with automatic tuning and matching and Z-gradient.  0°C to 80 °C Variable Temperature range


A 400 MHz spectrometer recently upgraded with a Bruker Nanobay Console equipped with a variable temperature accessory, a digital temperature control unit and Z-gradient electronics. This instrument has a BBFOPLUS 5 mm probeoptomized for X-nucleus observation and decoupling tunable from 15N to 31P as well as 19F with 1H decoupling and observation, equipped with Z-gradient and automatic tuning and matching. ±150°C Variable Temperature range.


Brukner Nanobay