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Undergraduate Neuroscience Courses

Undergraduate Neuroscience courses are taught by Neurobiology faculty through the Undergraduate Biology major, which offers a BS degree in Biology with a specialization in Neuroscience. All student advising for this major is handled by Undergraduate Biology advisors and staff (you can find more information here). Students should consult the Undergraduate Bulletin for more complete descriptions of Biology programs and courses.

List of Courses
BIO 203 Fundamentals of Biology: Cellular and Organ Physiology
BIO 317 Principles of Cellular Signaling
BIO 320 General Genetics

BIO 328  Mammalian Physiology
BIO 332 Computational Modeling of Physiological Systems
BIO 334  Principles of Neurobiology
BIO 335 Neurobiology Lab
BIO 337 Neurotransmission & Neuromodulation
BIO 338 From Synapse to Circuit: Self Organization of the Brian
BIO 339 Molecular Development of the Nervous System

Course Descriptions
BIO 203 Fundamentals of Biology: Cellular and Organ Physiology
The fundamentals of cell and organ physiology in mammalian and non-mammalian organisms. The structure and function of cell membranes and the physiology of cell to cell signaling, cellular respiration, and homeostasis of organs and organisms are examined with an emphasis on the comparative physiology of vertebrates and invertebrates. This course has been designated as a High Demand/Controlled Access (HD/CA) course. Students registering for HD/CA courses for the first time will have priority to do so.
Instructors: William Collins and Robert Watson
Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131 or Corequisite CHE 152
Pre- or Corequisite: MAT 125 or higher or AMS 151
DEC:     E
SBC:     STEM+
3 credits

BIO 317 Principles of Cellular Signaling
Basic principles of cellular signaling and maintenance of cellular and organismic homeostasis through intra- and intercellular signaling mechanisms. The roles of membrane and nuclear receptors, second-messenger pathways and gene regulation in controlling diverse mammalian systems such as sensory physiology, organic metabolism, growth control, and neuronal development are discussed.
Instructors: Maya Shelly and Roger Sher
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 203
3 credits

BIO 328 Mammalian Physiology
A continuation of the fundamental principles of cellular and organ physiology introduced in BIO 203. The subject matter includes advanced topics covering the origins of membrane potentials, describing properties of synaptic transmission, identifying the genetics and consequences of channelopathies in cellular and organ cardiac physiology, and advanced treatment of selected topics in endocrine, cardiac, respiratory, renal and nervous system physiology. The focus is on mammals in general and humans more particularly. May not be taken for credit in addition to HBY 350.
Instructors: David McKinnon and Robert Watson
C or higher in BIO 203
Advisory Prerequisite: CHE 132 or CHE 142 or CHE 331
3 credits

BIO 334 Principles of Neurobiology
The ionic basis of nerve potentials, the physiology of synapses, sense organs and effectors, and the integrative action of the nervous system are discussed.
Instructors: Qiaojie Xiong and Robert Watson
C or higher in BIO 203
3 credits

BIO 335 Neurobiology Laboratory
A laboratory course in physiology with a focus on neuromuscular function. Topics include acquisition and analysis of electrophysiological data; ion channels, electrical excitability and action potentials; synaptic transmission and muscular contraction; development of physiological functions; central control of movement; sensory function and behavior; cardiac function and regulation; and ethical and political issues of physiological relevance. This course has an associated fee. Please see for more information.
Instructors: Maurice Kernan
C or higher in BIO 203; and C or higher in BIO 205 or 207 and the following: PHY 122/PHY 124 or PHY 127 or PHY 132
SBC:     ESI
3 credits

BIO 337 Neurotransmission & Neuromodulation: Implications for Brain Function
Exploration of fundamental concepts of neurotransmission and neuromodulation of synaptic transmission. The subject matter includes an overview of the basic principles of neurotransmission and of the neuromodulatory systems in the brain. The involvement of these systems in behavior and neurological disorders is emphasized. We will discuss how specific neurological disorders can be investigated experimentally and how experimental results can contribute to understanding and treating these disorders.
Instructors: Arianna Maffei, Lonnie Wollmuth, Alfredo Fontanini
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 203
3 credits

BIO 338: From Synapse to Circuit: Self-organization of the Brain
Exploration of basic neural and synaptic mechanisms and the operation of representative brain circuits, using both theoretical approaches and experimental evidence. Particular attention is given to Hebb's Rule, its cellular basis, its consequences for circuit selforganization, and its limits. A solid background in a mathematical, physical, or biological science is desirable, but most relevant background material is covered in the course.
Instructors: Paul Adams, Giancarlo La Camera
Prerequisite: Instructor permission and BIO 203 or CHE 132 or CHE 331 or PHY 122
Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 334
3 credits

BIO 339 Molecular Development of the Nervous System
An introduction to the molecular events that underlie development and plasticity of both the peripheral and central nervous systems, with a focus on neuronal mechanisms. Molecular and genetic approaches to the analysis of neural induction, neuronal differentiation, neuronal death and survival, neurotrophic factors, synapse formation and plasticity are presented.
Instructors: Howard Sirotkin, Shaoyu Ge
Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202 or BIO 203
3 credits