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Course of Study

Flexibility exists to suit individual student needs and career ambitions. Core concepts and skills are taught through a series of required core courses, with the remaining coursework consisting of advanced electives and special topics courses selected in consultation with the student's advisors. A total of at least 30 graduate credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater are required for the MS degree. Of this, at least 8 credits must be earned in four Core Topics: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience; Systems Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; Neuroanatomy. Students must also complete 4 credits in seminar courses designed to enhance reading, writing and presentation skills.

Research skills are at the center of the program and all students are required to complete a minimum of 10 credits of research related courses comprised of Introduction to Neuroscience Research, Neuroscience Research Practicum, and Neuroscience Thesis work. In these courses, students will be introduced to cutting edge Neuroscience research techniques through participation in ongoing research in the laboratory of a Department of Neurobiology and Behavior or associated faculty member. These studies will form the basis of a written Master’s Thesis that is required at the culmination of the program. View the current MS Program in Neuroscience Handbook with Program Guidelines and Requirements for our students.

Required Courses

  • NEU 501: Introduction to Neuroscience Research (Summer II, 3 credits)
  • NEU 502: Reading, writing and speaking Neurobiology (Fall, 2 credits)
  • BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series (Fall, Spring, 1 credit)
  • NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience (Fall, Spring, or Summer, 1-9 credits)

Core Courses

NOTE: Students must complete at least 8 credits from  the core courses. One course must be completed in each of four core areas (Cellular and Molecular, Systems, Computational and Neuroanatomy). 





NEU 521: Introduction to cellular neuroscience 



Cellular & Molecular

NEU 522: Introduction to molecular neuroscience



Cellular & Molecular

NEU 531: Sensory and motor systems




NEU 532: Neural Plasticity, Learning and Memory




NEU 547: Introduction to Neural Computation




BNB 567: Statistics and Data Analysis I




NEU 536: Intro to Computational Neuroscience




BNB 568: Statistics and Data Analysis II 




BNB 560: Intro to Mammalian Neuroanatomy





  • NEU 517: Cellular Signaling (Fall, 3 credits)
  • NEU 534: Principles of Neurobiology (Spring or Summer, 3 credits)
  • NEU 537: Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation (Spring, 3 credits)
  • BNB 563: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience I (Fall, 1-3 credits)
  • BNB 564: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience II (Spring, 1-3 credits)
  • BNB 565: Developmental Neuroscience (Fall, 1 credit)
  • BNB 566: Neurobiology of Disease (Spring, 1 credit)
  • BNB 597: Seminar Themes (Fall, 1 credit)
  • COM 565: Foundations of Science Communication (Fall or Spring, 3 Credits)
  • GRD 500: Integrity in Science (Spring, 1 credit)
  • BGE 510: Graduate Genetics (Spring, 3 credits)
  • MCB 503: Molecular Genetics (Fall, 3 credits)
  • MCB 520: Graduate Biochemistry I (Fall, 3 credits)
  • MCB 656: Cell Biology (Spring, 4 credits)

Additional graduate level courses may be accepted as electives with permission from the Program Director.

Course Descriptions

NEU 501: Introduction to Neuroscience Research
A series of talks, discussions, and practical exercises to address topics related to research in neurobiology including laboratory etiquette, the laboratory notebook, experimental design and basic experimental techniques used in neuroscience research including electrophysiology, behavioral testing, molecular and cellular techniques, imaging and computational approaches.

Prerequisites: Matriculation in MS program
Summer 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 502: Reading, writing and speaking Neurobiology
Seminar course for master’s students in Neuroscience that will provide the students with practical instruction in analyzing the literature, written and oral presentation skills.  Course exercises will focus on the student’s thesis research.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered  Fall, 2  credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 521: Introduction to cellular neuroscience
The course introduces students to basic principles of cellular neuroscience. Topics covered include the ionic basis of resting potentials and electrical excitability, the structure, function and molecular biology of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Fall, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 522: Introduction to molecular neuroscience
The course introduces students to basic principles of molecular neuroscience. Topics covered include the signal transduction, regulation of neural gene expression and human neural genetic diseases.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered  Fall, 3  credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 531: Sensory and motor systems
This course introduces students to current debates on sensory and motor systems. Topics and areas covered include: general principles of sensory and motor coding, sensory systems (somatosensation, audition, vision, taste and olfaction), voluntary control of movement, modulation of movement by cerebellum and basal ganglia.​

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered  Spring, 2  credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 532: Neural Plasticity, Learning and Memory
This course introduces students to the link between plasticity, learning and memory. Topics covered include: synaptic plasticity, synaptic homeostasis, brain connectivity, neurogenesis, aversive and reward learning, addiction.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Spring, 2 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 536: Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
This course introduces the basics of mathematical modeling and computer simulations of neurobiological systems, spanning a range of topics from the biophysics of excitable membranes to models of learning and memory. 

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Spring, 2 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience
The student will be introduced to modern neuroscience research techniques through participation in ongoing research in the laboratory of a Program in Neuroscience Faculty member for one semester. Student must obtain permission to register from the sponsoring faculty member.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program and permission of instructor
Fall, Spring, Summer 1-9 credits, S/U grading

NEU 549: MS Thesis Research in Neuroscience
Thesis research will be conducted in the laboratory of a Program in Neuroscience faculty member. The student will work with their research mentor to analyze their experimental results and construct their thesis. Student must identify and obtain permission to register from the sponsoring faculty member.

Prerequisite: completion of 24 graduate credits and permission of instructor
Fall, Spring, Summer 0-6 credits, S/U grading

BNB 560: Introduction to Mammalian Neuroanatomy
This course consists of a visual presentations and supplemental lectures providing an overview of the structural organization of the nervous system. The human nervous system and its sensory, motor and cognitive components are emphasized. Opportunities for examination of whole brains and histological sections, and some hands-on experience with basic neuroanatomical techniques may also be available.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Spring, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series
Students attend weekly seminar presentations typically given by visiting speakers. Seminars include sub-series of three to four lectures that focus on a particular topic in contemporary neuroscience.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program and permission of instructor
Offered Fall, Spring, 1 credit,  S, U graded.)

Electives Course Descriptions

NEU 517: Principles of Cellular Signaling
The course introduces students to the basic principles of cellular signaling and maintenance of cellular and organismic homeostasis through intra and intercellular signaling mechanisms will be covered.

​Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program or permission of instructor
Offered Fall, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 534: Principles of Neurobiology
Neuroscience investigates how the brain functions. This course begins with a review of cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain function, considers brain systems for motor control and sensory processing, and then finishes with a description of the cellular and molecular underpinnings of higher brain functions such as learning, emotion, and cognition.

​Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program or permission of instructor
Offered Spring or Summer, 3  credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 537: Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation 
Exploration of fundamental concepts of neurotransmission and neuromodulation of synaptic transmission. The subject matter includes an overview of the basic principles of neurotransmission and of the neuromodulatory systems in the brain. The involvement of these systems in behavior and neurological disorders is emphasized. We will discuss how specific neurological disorders can be investigated experimentally and how experimental results can contribute to understanding and treating these disorders.

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Spring, 3 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

NEU 547: Intro to Neural Computation
A broad introduction to neural computation. This course will discuss what counts as “computation” and in what sense the brain computes, how it computes, and whether those computations look anything like those performed by digital computers. These ideas and concepts will be introduced through examples of computation in the brain, including the neural bases of sensory perception, decision making, learning and memory, and motor control. Students will learn through in-class demonstrations and activities, as well as homework assignments that give students the opportunity to analyze real neural recordings relevant to each of the topic modules. Students taking this class will be expected to have basic working knowledge in undergraduate-level calculus and statistics. 

Prerequisite: Matriculation in MS program
Offered Fall, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

BNB 563: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience I: Individual Learning Plans
In this 12 hour module course, students will work with an identified faculty preceptor on an agreed upon topic of interest. Agreement of preceptor and an outline of the topic must be submitted to and approved by the Course Director in order for students to register for this class. Students and preceptors will work together to develop a reading list (minimum 6-10 papers) from the primary literature that adequately covers the topic. Students will present two or more of these papers in journal club format to the preceptor and to a larger group, e.g., a lab group, as applicable. Students will also synthesize their readings into a written report that follows one of the following Nature Reviews Neuroscience formats (below, but strict adherence to word limits, reference numbers, etc., is NOT expected). NOTE: Students and their research faculty mentors are strongly encouraged to consider using this as a vehicle for beginning to develop the Introduction to the thesis/thesis proposal.

Offered: Fall, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated 2 times for credit.

BNB 564: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience II: Curriculum Development
In this 12 hour module course, students will work with an identified faculty preceptor on an agreed upon topic of interest that addresses a gap in the current Graduate Program in Neuroscience curriculum. Agreement of preceptor and an outline of the topic selected must be submitted to and approved by the Course Director in order for students to register for this class. Students and preceptors will work together to develop a course based on the selected topic. Students will first investigate principles of curricular design. They will follow these in generating a course description, a list of overall learning objectives, and a detailed syllabus that identifies the titles, learning objectives and required background readings for each of the course's sessions. Required readings much include both texts and the primary literature. Students will also generate the in-class materials for at least two class sessions. One must be a Powerpoint for a standard lecture, and one must be any materials needed for some form of active learning (individual or group) of the material. Finally, students must identify the means that students will be evaluated, and identify how these methods will demonstrate achievement of the stated learning objectives, keeping in mind that the form of evaluation will differ depending on whether objectives are related to knowledge, skills, etc.

NOTE: Students and their research faculty mentors are strongly encouraged to consider using this as a vehicle for delving deeply into a topic or technique of interest that is relevant to the thesis/thesis proposal.
Offered: Fall, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated for credit.

BNB 565: Developmental Neuroscience
A modular course introducing concepts in the development of the nervous system. Topics can include neuroembryology, neuronal differentiation, synapse formation, and specificity and plasticity of connections in vertebrates and invertebrates.

Offered Fall, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

BNB 566: Neurobiology of Disease
This advanced seminar course is coordinated with the Neurobiology of Disease lecture series hosted by the Program in Neuroscience each Spring semester. The Program invites 5-6 distinguished scientists to present research seminars organized around the broad topic of neurobiological and neurological diseases. Students read and discuss papers recommended by the guest speakers. This course also provides students the opportunity to meet with the guest seminar speakers.

Offered Spring, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated 1 time for credit.

BNB 567: Statistics and Data Analysis in Neuroscience I: Foundations
This course will introduce students to the fundamental principles and methods of the statistical analysis of neural and behavioral data. A major focus of the course will be on how to properly design experiments to test hypotheses, how to avoid common misconceptions and errors in data analysis and how to report statistics correctly in manuscripts submitted for publication. This course will am at providing a rigorous foundation of general statistical principles that can be applied generally, with an emphasis on material of high relevance to biology and neuroscience. A companion course (Statistics and data analysis for neuroscience II: Applications) will turn to selected applications to neuroscience. The students will also have the opportunity to hone their statistics skills by analyzing different types of datasets (genetic, molecular, cellular, synaptic, imaging, spike and behavioral) in the MATLAB (or similar) computing environment. Offered Fall, 2 credits BNB 597: Seminar ThemesThis course focuses on current research topics in neuroscience and is integrated with the Neuroscience Seminar Series. It is centered on a common research theme. Students discuss manuscripts, attend seminars and meet with outside speakers.

Offered Fall/Spring, 1 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated 2 times for credit.

BNB 568: Statistics and Data Analysis in Neuroscience II: Applications

Offered Spring, 2 credits

COM 565 - Foundations of Science Communication 
A foundational course in science communication and an introduction to the Alda Method®. Students will learn about evidence-based approaches to communicate scientific concepts and data accurately and effectively to diverse audiences. Through an exploration of science communication literature and applied-improvisational theater exercises, students build communication skills to help them understand, connect, relate, and adapt to various audiences such as peers, professors, employers, policy makers, funders, journalists, and the public. Students hone their written and oral science communication skills by creating, delivering, and evaluating audience-centered messaging.

Offered Fall/Spring, 3 credit, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

GRD 500: Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship
This course is designed to introduce students to the major issues in the ethics of research and scholarship. Using a combination of readings - written and web-based - videos, lectures, case discussion and other exercises, students will investigate the moral values intrinsic to research/scholarship/creative activity in their discipline and the professional and social values with which members of the discipline must comply. Each class will begin with an introductory lecture or video followed by discipline-based, small group discussions with the participation of faculty from the department or program from which the graduate students come.

0-3 credits, S/U grading. May be repeated for credit.

BGE 510: Graduate Genetics
This course investigates fundamental aspects of the transmission and expression of genetic information in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. The course is organized in a way that allows the students to appreciate the breadth of genetics research, while also gaining an in-depth understanding of selected important topics. Students explore the use of both classical and molecular genetic approaches to understand biological processes in genetics model systems including yeast, flies, worms, mouse, and man.

Spring, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MCB 503: Molecular Genetics
Introduces the classical work and current developments in lower and higher genetic systems. Covers gene structure and regulation in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, mutational analysis and mapping, transposable elements, and biological DNA transfer mechanisms. Bacteriophage as well as lower and higher eukaryotic systems are used to illustrate aspects of molecular genetic structure and function. This course is offered as both MCB 503 and HBM 503.

Prerequisite: matriculation in graduate program or permission of instructor
Fall, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MCB 520: Graduate Biochemistry I
Several topics in modern biochemistry are treated at an advanced level. Topics covered will include protein structure, enzyme kinetics and mechanisms, and enzyme regulation.

Prerequisite: undergraduate biochemistry course, matriculation in graduate program or permission of instructor
Fall, 3 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)

MCB 656: Cell Biology
Introduction to the structural and functional organization of cells and tissues and to the way structure relates to function. Particular emphasis is placed on nuclear and chromosomal structure, signal transduction, protein translocation, the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. The interaction of cellular structures and components and their regulation is stressed as is the organization and interaction of cells in tissues. The course is comparative and includes examples of cells and tissues from vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and prokaryotic systems. Prerequisite: matriculation in graduate program or permission of instructor.

Spring, 3-4 credits, Letter graded (A, A-, B+, etc.)
May be repeated for credit.

Sample Course Schedules

Sample Schedule I: Molecular-Focused Credits
Summer Year 1  

NEU 501: Introduction to Neuroscience Research

Fall Year 1  

NEU 502: Reading, Writing and Speaking Neurobiology


NEU 522: Introduction to Molecular Neuroscience


BNB 567: Statistics and Data Analysis I: Foundations


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Spring Year 1


NEU 531: Sensory and Motor Systems


NEU 532: Neural Plasticity, Learning and Memory


BNB 560: Introduction to Mammalian Neural Anatomy


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Summer Year 2


NEU 549: MS Thesis Research in Neuroscience

Total (including electives) 30



Sample Schedule II: Cellular and Systems-Focused Credits

Summer Year 1


NEU 501: Introduction to Neuroscience Research


Fall Year 1


NEU 502: Reading, Writing and Speaking Neurobiology


NEU 521: Introduction to Cellular Neuroscience


BNB 567: Statistics and Data Analysis I: Foundations


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Spring Year 1


NEU 531: Sensory and Motor Systems


NEU 532: Neural Plasticity, Learning and Memory


BNB 560: Introduction to Mammalian Neural Anatomy


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Summer Year 2

NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience 3

Fall Year 2


NEU 549: MS Thesis Research in Neuroscience

Electives 3
Total (including electives) 30+



Sample Schedule III: Computational-Focused Credits

Summer Year 1


NEU 501: Introduction to Neuroscience Research


Fall Year 1


NEU 502: Reading, Writing and Speaking Neurobiology


NEU 521: Introduction to Cellular Neuroscience


BNB 567: Statistics and Data Analysis I: Foundations


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Spring Year 1


NEU 531: Sensory and Motor Systems
NEU 532: Neural Plasticity, Learning and Memory


NEU 536: Introduction to Computational Neuroscience


BNB 560: Introduction to Mammalian Neural Anatomy


BNB 568: Statistics and Data Analysis II: Applications


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


BNB 697: Neuroscience Seminar Series


Summer Year 2


NEU 548: MS Research Practicum in Neuroscience


Fall Year 2


NEU 547: Introduction to Neural Computation


NEU 549: MS Thesis Research in Neuroscience

Total (including electives) 30+