Stony Brook University Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors
Stony Brook University is a public research university located in Stony Brook, in the County of Suffolk, Long Island, New York and is part of the State University of New York (SUNY). It was originally established in the Town of Oyster Bay, in the County of Nassau, Long Island in 1957 as the State University College on Long Island (SUCOLI) by the governor of the State of New York. Five years later, the University moved to its current location in Stony Brook. Since its establishment with an inaugural class of 148 students, Stony Brook University has been categorized as one of the fastest growing universities in the country. Currently, after 59 years of its inception, the university has an enrollment of more than 25,000 students. The university has had a great regional economic impact and is the largest single-site employer on Long Island. Currently, it has more than 14,500 employees and over 2,400 members in its faculty.
Stony Brook University Hospital is the only tertiary care and level 1 trauma center on Long Island. And with 603 beds for patient care, it is the largest academic medical center on Long Island. Stony Brook University Hospital is currently ranked as the 20th best in New York. Among its many outstanding medical services and programs, the hospital is the home of the nation’s first Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Center as well as Long Island's first kidney transplantation program under which over 1,000 kidney transplants have been performed. It is the only hospital in Suffolk County where open-heart surgeries are performed as well as bone marrow and stem cell transplants. Its pediatric and adult AIDS medical program is also highly rated.
Stony Brook University has been the home for great ideas in science, education, medicine and patient care. The arduous dedication of its faculty, physicians and students has led to significant discoveries including more than 500 patents. The first Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) of a living organism was developed by Professor Paul Lauterbur of the Department of Chemistry. In 2003, Professor Paul Lauterbur was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his research and discovery of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance which was instrumental in the development of NMR Imaging. The development of ReoPro (abcisimab) by Dr. Barry Coller which is used for all cardiac angioplasty procedures, not only has treated and saved the lives of millions of patients, but generated billions of dollars since its discovery at Stony Brook University.
Despite being a young academic and research institution, the list of discoveries and inventions at Stony Brook University is extensive. Since 1969, many of our extraordinary scientists have made important discoveries such as: dating moon rocks to estimate the age of the moon, creating a new ultrasound method to speed the healing of bone fractures, discovering the link between emphysema and smoking, discovering a new species the Golden Bamboo Lemur, identifying and cataloguing 328 distant galaxies, using a single electron to create the smallest electric switch in the world, formulating supergravity, discovering the cause of Lyme disease, inventing virtual colonoscopy, receiving FDA approved abcisimab and Periostat (doxycycline) for the treatment of gum disease, discovering important fossil-linking birds to dinosaurs, synthesizing the first virus, in vitro for polio, discovering in Madagascar the remains of Beelzebufo, or devil frog, the largest frog to ever exist and developing Xiaflex for the treatment of Dupuytren's Disease.
The Stony Brook University Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) will give public recognition to inventors who have a patent issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO); enhance the visibility of university technology and academic innovation; encourage the disclosure of intellectual property; educate and mentor innovative students; and translate the inventions of its members to benefit society.
The Stony Brook University Chapter of the NAI will create a network of inventors composed of faculty, students and staff derived from a wide range of fields and expertise. It will strongly encourage the stirring and exchange of creative ideas and passion for innovation.
The Stony Brook University Chapter of the NAI, in connection with the Office of Technology Transfer, will provide valuable recommendations and channel any queries on the development of its members’ inventions and filing of their patents.