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Identity Theft: Protection Tips

In 2012, 16.6 million people were victims of identity theft. Be smart and stay safe with six tips.

Limit Your Information

Don't give out personal or financial information unless you are dealing with a trusted compant or person. Ask questions about how your information will be used:

  • WHY do they need it?
  • WHAT will they do with it?
  • WHERE will it be kept?

To Shred or Not to Shred

Don't throw your important documents straight into the trash! Shred any bank or credit card statements, receipts, and any docments with personal information on them. Over 85% of identity theft cases in 2012 involved using existing accounts rather than creating new accounts.

 Digital Defense 

Don't use a password that can be easily guessed and change your passwords regularly.

  • Be wise with WiFi. Before sending out personal info on a public wireless network, be sure the site is secure by looking for the 'lock' icon or "https" in the url.
  • Using anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewalls are great ways to protect your computer. Stony Brook students can get Symantec Endpoint Protection for free. Head over to and get your free copy today!

Review Reports Regularly

You're entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of the top three credit agencies every year. Look it over for suspicious activity and take action immediately if you see anything that shouldn't be there.

Sharing on Social

Be smart when you are posting on social media sites and do not over share. Dont' make it easy for thieves to take over your identity by posting account numbers, Social Secuirty numbers, your home address or other personal information.

Opt Out

Opt out of pre-approved credit card offers that come in the mail by calling 1-888-576-8688 or going to Avoid someone starting a new credit card in your name.