Purpose of the Fee
WHY THE FEE IS SO IMPORTANT: The transportation fee allows Stony Brook University to provide a range of transportation options that serve you, our Seawolf community, and our local environment. SBU Transit Services visit a variety of destinations on West, East, South, and Southampton Campuses, as well as the R&D Park, each and every day of the week.
This important and critical fee helps to fund service staffing, vehicle maintenance/repair, procurement of new vehicles, facility upgrades, regulatory compliance requirements, vehicle fuel and office supplies. In addition to transit operations, the fee provides support for bus stop shelters, signage/maps, University bike initiatives like the Wolf Ride Bike Share, SBU Smart Transit, Suffolk Transit Connection, the Port Jeff/SBU Shuttle, and all student parking lot maintenance/additions.**
**As we reviewed our proposed parking plan for 2023, we realigned our definition of the transportation fee above in accordance with SUNY’s policy which states that "A Transportation Fee may be established for State-operated campuses serving a student base that requires transportation from one location to another. Revenue generated from the fee may be used to support the operation and maintenance of an infrastructure for this activity.
This shall include, but not be limited to, agreements with existing public or private transportation providers, the operation and maintenance of a campus-controlled system, or partnerships with other campuses." As a result, we have removed all parking support from transportation fee as of Fall 2022.
FEEDBACK: We appreciate feedback from the Stony Brook Community, and ask that those interested
in submitting feedback use the Customer Feedback Form. Your valuable feedback allows for us to better recognize and modify our services
to fit the needs of our Seawolf community.
TRANSPORTATION FEE ADVISORY GROUP: Current Stony Brook Students are able to participate in our SBU Transportation Fee
Advisory Group. Meetings are held during the academic year. Please email transportation@stonybrook.edu if you are intersted in joining.