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Li Li


Li Li

Research Associate Professor

Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook, NY, 2005-
Honorary research fellow at University College London, UK, 2005
Post-doc at Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, 2004
Ph.D in Geophysics, Stony Brook University, 2003
(second major) M.S. in Computer Sciences, Stony Brook University 2003
M.S. Geophysics, University of Petroleum, Beijing, China, 1998
B.S. Geophysics, Jianghan Petroleum Institute, China, 1995

Outstanding Reviewer awarded by Earth and Planetary Science Letter, Elsevier, Dec 2017

Alvin Van Valkenburg Award, received at High Pressure Gordon Conference in Maine (2006)

Top-50 Most cited Paper 2006-2011 Award in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Received at Vienna, EGU (2011) for the paper "Elasticity of CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure and high temperature", authored by Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè, G.D. Price, R. Caracas, and R. Wentzcovitch, Volume 155, Issue 3-4, Pages 249-259

Top-50 Most cited Paper 2004-2007 Award in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Received at San Francisco, AGU (2007) for the paper “Stress Measurement of deforming olivine at high pressure”, authored by L, Li, D. Weidner, P. Raterron, J. Chen, M. Vaughan, Volume 143, Issue 1-2(2004), Page 357-367.

Office: Earth & Space Sciences 134
Office Phone: (631)-632-6152
FAX: (631) 632-8140
Email: (at)



[66] Weidner, D. J. and L. Li (2021). "Low frequency bulk modulus of partially molten peridotite, KLB-1." Physics of the Earth and Planet Interiors 313: 8.
[65] Li, L., D. J. Weidner, Haiyan Chen, Richard Triplett (2020). "Bulk modulus measurement at mHz frequencies and high-pressure using synchrotron x-ray radiation." Review of Scientific Instruments 91(11): 3.
[64] Li, L. and D. J. Weidner (2019). "Full waveform analysis for high pressure ultrasonic measurements." Review of Scientific Instruments 91(3): 3.
[63] Weidner, D. J., L. Li, M. L. Whitaker, and R. Triplett (2018), Ultrasonic Acoustic Velocities During Partial Melting of a Mantle Peridotite KLB-1, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth123(2), 1252-1261, doi:
[62] Wei, D., L. Li, and D. J. Weidner (2018), Time scale of partial melting of KLB-1 peridotite: constrained from experimental observation and thermodynamic models, Journal of Earth Science29(2): 9.
[61] Li Li, Donald J. Weidner, Matthew L. Whitaker, and R. Triplett (2018), Ultrasonic Acoustic Wave Velocities of Neighborite (NaMgF3) Across Orthorhombic to Cubic Phase Boundary at High P-T, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior283(1): 4..
[60] Li, L., M. L. Whitaker, and D. J. Weidner (2018), Elastic wave velocity measurement using ultrasonic system with two-reflectors  Review of Scientific Instruments,89(8): 3.
[59] Cheung, C. S. N., D. J. Weidner, L. Li, P. G. Meredith, H. Chen, M. L. Whitaker, and X. Chen (2018), Stress Distribution During Cold Compression of Rocks and Mineral Aggregates Using Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Diffraction, Journal of Visualized Experiments, doi:DOI: 10.3791/57555.

[58] Cheung, C. S. N., D. J. Weidner, L. Li, P. G. Meredith, H. Chen, M. L. Whitaker, and X. Chen (2017), Stress distribution during cold compression of a quartz aggregate using synchrotron X-ray diffraction: Observed yielding, damage, and grain crushing, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth122(4), 2724-2735, doi:doi:10.1002/2016JB013653.
[57] Li, L. and D.J. Weidner, In situ analysis of texture at high P-T using sinusoidal variation of X-ray diffraction intensity Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015. in press.
[56] Weidner, D.J. and L. Li, Kinetics of Melting in Peridotite from Volume Strain Measurements. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2015. 246: p. 25-30.
[55] Weidner, D.J. and L. Li, Theory & Practice - Methods for the Study of High P/T Deformation & Rheology, in Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd Edition, L. Stixrude and D.P. Geoffrey, Editors. 2015, Elseviere. p.18.

[54] Li, L. and D.J. Weidner, Detection of melting by X-ray imaging at high pressure. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014. doi:10.1063/1.4880730(85): p. 4.
[53] Simon A. Hunt, Donald J. Weidner, Richard J. McCormack, Matthew Whitaker,Edward Bailey, Li Li, Michael T. Vaughan, David P. Dobson, Deformation T-Cup: A new apparatus for high temperature controlled strain-rate deformation experiments tested to 18GPa. 2. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014. 85(8): p. 8
[52] Wei, D., L. Li, and D.J. Weidner, Experimental observation on grain boundaries affected by partial melting and garnet forming phase transition in KLB1 peridotite. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2014(228): p. 287-293.

[51] Li, L., and D. J. Weidner, Effect of Dynamic Melting on Acoustic Velocities in a Partially Molten Peridotite, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 222, 1-7, 2013

[50] Li Li, Donald J. Weidner, Anelasticity and Transient Creep in NaMgF3 Perovskite at High Pressure, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior,194-195, p98-106, 2012

[49] David P. Dobson, Richard McCormack, Simon A. Hunt, Michael W. Ammann, Donald Weidner, Li Li and Liping Wang. The relative strength of perovskite and post-perovskite in the system NaCoF3, Mineralogical Magazine, Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 76(4), pp. 925–932,2012

[48] Hunt, Simon A., D. Rhodri Davies, Andrew M. Walker, Richard J. McCormack, Andrew S. Wills, David P. Dobson, Li Li, On the contrasting thermal diffusivity of perovskite and post-perovskite, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,319-320, p96-103, 2012

[47] Hunt, Simon A., Walker, Andrew M., McCormack, Richard J., Dobson, David P. Wills, Andrew, Li Li, The effect of pressure on thermal diffusivity in pyroxenes, Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75(5), p 2597–2610, 2011

[46] Li Li, Donald J. Weidner, John P. Brodholt and Dario Alfè, Prospecting for Water in the Transition Zone: dln(Vs)/dln(Vp), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 189, p117-120, 2011

[45] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè and Price, G.D., 2010. Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Elasticity of Mg3Al2Si3O12 Pyrope. Journal of Earth Sciences, 22(2), p169-175, 2011

[44] Long, H., D.J. Weidner, Li Li, J. Chen, and L. Wang, Deformation of Olivine at Subduction Zone Conditions Determined from In situ Measurements with Synchrotron Radiation, Journal of Geophysical Research,186(1-2), p23-25. 2011

[43] Li, L., Bulk Attenuation in the Earth’s Mantle Due to Phase Transitions. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 183(3-4), p473-477, 2010
[42] Li, L., Weidner, D. J. Synchronized stress-strain measurements in dynamic loading at high pressure using D-DIA, Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 1, 2010
[41] Dobson, D., P. , S.A. Hunt, R. McCormack, O.T. Lord, D.J. Weidner, and L. Li, Thermal diffusivity of MORB to 15 GPa; implications for triggering for deep seismicity, High Pressure research, 30(3), 406-414, 2010.
[40] Weidner, D., J. , M. Vaughan, T., , L. Wang, H. Long, L. Li, N. Dixon, and W. Durham, B., Precise Stress Measurements with White Synchrotron X-rays. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2010. 81: p. 013903.
[39] Hunt, S.A., D.P. Dobson, L. Li, D.J.W. Weidner, and J.P. Brodholt, Relative strength of the pyrope–majorite solid solution and the flow-law of majorite containing garnets Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2010. 179(1-2): p. 87-95.

[38] Li, L., Studies of mineral properties at mantle condition using Deformation multi-anvil apparatus. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, Elsevier: St. Louis, MO, USA, 19: p. 1467-1475.
[37] Li, L., L. Wang, and M. Vaughan, An Exploratory Study of the Viscoelasticity of Phase-transforming Material. Advances in High Pressure Mineral Physics: from Deep Mantle to the Core, Ohtani, E. Asimow, P. D. Stixrude, L. Wang, Y. Editors, 2009. p. 174-180.
[36] Weidner, D. and L. Li, Impact of Phase Transitions on P Wave Velocities. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2009. 180(3-4): p.189-194
[35] Raterron, P., E. Amiguet, J. Chen, L. Li, and P. Cordier, Experimental Deformation of Olivine Single Crystals at Mantle Pressures and Temperatures. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2009. 172(1-2): p. 74-83.
[34] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè, and G.D. Price, Ab initio molecular dynamics study of elasticity of akimotoite MgSiO3 at mantle conditions. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2009. 173(1-2): p. 115-120.
[33] Li, L., J. Brodholt, and D. Alfè, Structure and elasticity of hydrous ringwoodite: a first principle investigation. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2009. 117: p. 103-115.
[32] Hunt, S., D. Weidner, L. Li, L. Wang, N. Walte, F. Heidelbach, J. Brodholt, P., and D. Dobson, P., Weakening of CaIrO3 during the perovskite-post perovskite transformation. Nature Geoscience, 2009. 2: p. 794-797.

[31] Li, L. and D.J. Weidner, Effect of phase transitions on bulk dispersion and attenuation: implications for the Earth. Nature, 2008. 454: p. 984-986.
[30] Li, L., L.W. Wang, and M.T. Vaughan, Elastic Softening of Peridotite Due to the Presence of Melt Phases at High Pressure Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2008. 170 (3-4): p. 176-180.
[29] Dobson, D.P., S. Hunt, L. Li, and D. Weidner, Measurement of thermal diffusivity at high pressures and temperatures using synchrotron radiography. Mineralogical Magazine, 2008. 72(2): p. 539–544.

[28] Weidner, D.J. and L. Li, Method for the study of high P/T deformation and rheology, Treatise on Geophysics, G. Schubert, Editor. 2007, Elsevier: St. Louis, MO, USA. p. 339-358.
[27] Raterron, P., J. Chen, L. Li, D. Weidner, and P. Cordier, Pressure-induced slip-system transition in forsterite: Single-crystal rheological properties at mantle pressure and temperature. American Mineralogist, 2007. 92: p. 1436-1445.
[26] Li, L., R.M. Wentzcovitch, D.J. Weidner, and C.R.S.D. Silva, Vibrational and thermodynamic properties of forsterite at mantle conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007. 112: p. B05206, doi:10.1029/2006JB004546.
[25] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, and G.D. Price, Ab initio study on the effect of cation-ordering and pressure on the elasticity of majorite and majorite-pyrope solid solution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007. 256: p. 28-35.
[24] Li, L. and D.J. Weidner, Energy dissipation of materials at high pressure and high temperature Review of Scientific Instruments, 2007. 78(5): p. 053902.
[23] Li, L., P. Carrez, and D.J. Weidner, Effect of cation ordering and pressure on spinel elasticity by ab initio simulation. American Mineralogist, 2007. 92: p. 174-178.
[22] Li, L., A. Addad, D. Weidner, H. Long, and J. Chen, High pressure deformation in two-phase aggregates. Tectonophysics, 2007. 439(1-4): p. 107-117.

[21] Weidner, D.J. and L. Li, Measurement of stress using synchrotron x-rays. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2006. 18(25): p. S1061-S1067.

[20] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè, G.D. Price, R. Caracas, and R. Wentzcovitch, Phase stability of CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure and temperature: insights from ab initio molecular dynamics. Phys Earth Planet Sci., 2006. 155(3-4): p. 260-268.
[19] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè, G.D. Price, R. Caraca, and R. Wentzcovitch, Elasticity of CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure and high temperature. Phys Earth Planet Sci., 2006. 155(3-4): p. 249-259.
[18] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Brodholt, D. Alfè, and G.D. Price, Elasticity of Mg2SiO4 ringwoodite at mantle conditions. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2006. 157(3-4): p. 181-187.
[17] Li, L., D. Weidner, P. Raterron, J. Chen, M. Vaughan, S. Mei, and W. Durham, Deformation of olivine at mantle pressure using D-DIA. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2006. 18: p. 7-19.
[16] Li, L., H. Long, D.J. Weidner, and P. Raterron, Plastic flow of pyrope at mantle pressure and temperature. American Mineralogist, 2006. 91: p. 517-525.
[15] Chen, J.H., L. Li, T. Yu, H.B. Long, D. Weidner, L.P. Wang, and M. Vaughan, Do Reuss and Voigt bounds really bound in high-pressure rheology experiments? Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2006. 18(25): p. S1049-S1059.

[14] Weidner, D., L. Li, W. Durham, and J. Chen, High-temperature plasticity measurements using sychrotron X-rays, in High-pressure technology for geophysical applications, J. Chen, et al., Editors. 2005, ELSEVIER Inc.: San diego. p. 123-136.
[13] Raterron, P., D.J. Weidner, and L. Li, Rhéologie des matériaux en conditions extrêmes de pression et de température, in «Etude In situ en Cellules Gros Volume», Publication du 4ième Forum « Technologie des hautes pressions » 2005, CNRS/MRCT: Messigny, France.
[12] Li, L., J.P. Brodholt, S. Stackhouse, D.J. Weidner, M. Alfredsson, and G.D. Price, Elasticity of (Mg, Fe)(Si, Al)O3-perovskite at high pressure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005. 240(2): p. 529-536.
[11] Li, L., J.P. Brodholt, S. Stackhouse, D.J. Weidner, M. Alfredsson, and G.D. Price, Electronic Spin State of Ferric Iron in Al-bearing Perovskite in the Lower Mantle. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2005. 32: p. L17307, doi:10.1029/2005GL023045.

[10] Weidner, D.J., L. Li, M. Davis, and J. Chen, Effect of Plasticity on Elastic Modulus Measurements. Geophysical Review Letter, 2004. 31(6): p. 19090.
[9] Raterron, P., L. Li, J. Chen, P. Cordier, and D. Weidner, Activity of olivine slip systems at high pressure and temperature. Lithos, 2004. 73(1-2): p. S92-S92.
[8] Raterron, P., J. Chen, L. Li, D.H. Weidner, and P. Cordier, Rheology of olivine at mantle pressures and temperatures. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004. 68(11): p. A65-A65.
[7] Li, L., D.J. Weidner, J. Chen, M.T. Vaughan, M. Davis, and W.B. Durham, X-ray strain analysis at high pressure: Effect of plastic deformation in MgO. Journal of Applied Physics, 2004. 95(12): p. 8357-8365.
[6] Chen, J., L. Li, D.J. Weidner, and M. Vaughan, Deformation Experiments using Synchrotron X-rays: In situ stress and strain measurements at high pressure and temperature. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2004. 143-144: p. 347-356.
[5] Li, L., D. Weidner, P. Raterron, J. Chen, and M. Vaughan, Stress measurements of deforming olivine at high pressure. New Development In High-Pressure Mineral Physics and Applications To the Earth’s Interior, Rubie, D. C, Duffy, T. S. and Ohtani T. Editors, 2004, Elsevier: St. Louis, MO, USA . 357-367.

[4] Li, L., P. Raterron, D. Weidner, and J. Chen, Olivine Flow Mechanisms at 8 GPa. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 2003. 138(2): p. 113-129.
[3] Li Li, Rheology of olivine at high pressure and high temperature, Thesis, Stony Brook University, 2003

[2] Weidner, D.J., J. Chen, Y. Xu, Y. Wu, M.T. Vaughan, and L. Li, Subduction zone rheology. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2001. 127(1-4): p. 67-81.
[1] Vaughan, M., J. Chen, L. Li, D. Weidner, and B. Li. Use of X-ray imaging techniques at high-pressure and temperature for strain measurements. in “Science and technology of high pressure, Proceedings of AIRAPT-17, Honolulu, Hawaii, 25-30 July, 1999, Manghnani,M. Nellis, W., Nicol, M. Editors, Universities Press, Hyderabad, India, 1097-1098.