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Requirements For The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree in Materials Science & Engineering

Requirements are subject to change; for official requirements see the graduate bulletin.

A. Plan of Work 

Before completion of one year of full-time residency, the student must have selected a research advisor who agrees to serve in that capacity. The student will then prepare a plan of further coursework. This must receive the approval of the student’s advisor and of the Graduate Program Committee.

B. Coursework

  1. An average grade of B or higher is required for all courses.
  2. A minimum of 60 graduate credits are required to graduate with a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering:
          • Of which a minimum of 24 graduate course credits are required to be completed (excluding ESM 501: Teaching and Mentoring Techniques, ESM 514: Technical Writing for Scientists, ESM 599: Research, ESM 697: Materials Science and Engineering Colloquium, ESM 698: Practicum in Teaching, and ESM 699: Dissertation Research on Campus). 
          • Three core courses (ESM 511 Thermodynamics of Solids; ESM 513 Strength of Materials; and ESM 521 Kinetic of Materials) for a total of 9 credits
          • Additional five elective courses within the ESM program for a total of 15 credits are required. 
          • All courses taken outside the Department require permission from the Graduate Program Director.
          • All students must complete ESM 501: Teaching and Mentoring Techniques, ESM 514: Technical Writing for Scientists for 1 credit each, and CME 697: Chemical and Molecular Engineering Colloquium for 0 credit. These 3 courses do not count towards the 24 graduate coursework credits but are required courses.
          • All full -time PhD students must act as teaching assistants for five semesters (regardless of support), and they must register for ESM 698 Practicum in Teaching- in all five semesters for a total of 3 credits and 0 credits for the rest.
          • All students must complete ESM 599: Research, for at least a total of 13 credits. 

C. Preliminary Examination

A preliminary examination must be taken during the student’s fifth semester as a Ph.D. student. This is an oral examination designed to test the student’s ability to utilize his or her materials science and engineering background to carry out research in a chosen field of study, and to make clear written and oral presentations of research. At least ten days prior to the examination, the candidate should submit a research proposal (10-15 pages) to the examiners that places the research in context and outlines a scenario for its completion.

The Preliminary examination committee must consist of a minimum of three (3) committee members, two (2) of whom must be core faculty members in the department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering.

D. Advancement to Candidacy

The preliminary examination committee approves the student upon completion of their written and oral presentation. The department processes the student’s Advancement to Candidacy to confirm that the student has passed their prelims.

Upon “Advancement to Candidacy” the student must complete at least 18 credits (two semesters) of  ESM 699: Dissertation Research, to fulfill the 60 credits minimum requirement to earn a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering


      • It is important to note, that a student must have no “I” or “U” grades for all courses that count towards the degree to advance to candidacy.
      • The student must have completed  all coursework listed above for the PhD program prior to taking the Preliminary oral exam.
      • If a second examination is required, it must be completed by the student’s seventh semester as a Ph.D.  student in the program or else the student is unable to continue in the program.

Completion of Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy form is required:

Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy 

E. Dissertation

The most important requirement of the Ph.D. degree is the completion of a dissertation, which must be an original scholarly investigation. The dissertation shall represent a significant contribution to the scientific literature, and its quality shall be compatible with the publication standards of appropriate and reputable scholarly journals. At least two academic semesters should elapse between the preliminary exam and submission of the dissertation

Guidelines for Dissertation

F. Defense

The candidate shall defend the dissertation before an examining committee consisting of at least four faculty members, including the research advisor, at least two of whom are core faculty members in the department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, one member from outside the department, and another member from either inside or outside the department.

Request for Defense Committee Appointment

Doctoral Defense Announcement Form

Original Signature Page-PhD

*Thesis must be uploaded to ProQuest, information regarding guidelines are located on Graduate School Website or by clicking on the link above Guidelines for Dissertation.

G. Time Limit

All requirements for the Ph.D. degree must be completed within seven years after completing 24 graduate course credits and other requirements as needed to complete the program.