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IACS Professional Development Program (PDP)

As of Fall 2019, all new IACS students will have to complete the IACS Professional Development Program (PDP) in order to be eligible for any IACS scholarship and/or awards, except the New Recruit. A new IACS student is defined as one who has just joined the research lab of one of our core or affiliated faculty.

PDP will be held on Fridays from 12pm - 1pm in the IACS Seminar Room in both the fall and spring semesters. The topics in the spring semester will be focused on career development skills. The topics in the fall semester will be based on technical skills. 

If you are a student who is new to IACS, please email Dr. Jennifer McCauley, Educational Programs Manager. Students who were already part of a research group at IACS prior to 2019 are not mandated to take this course, but are welcome to join if desired. Priority registration will be given to new students. 

Spring  – Technical Content

Linux Command Line
Instructor: Alec Wills

Software Engineering I
Instructor: Smeet Chheda

Modern HPC
Instructor: Robert Harrison, PhD

Introduction to SeaWulf and Ookami
Instructor(s): Firat Coskun/David Carlson 

Parallel Programming
Instructor: Catherine Feldman, PhD

Verification Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VV/UQ)
Instructor: Alan Calder, PhD

Instructor: Christian Che-Castaldo, PhD

Collaborative Document Writing
Instructor: Matthew Reuter, PhD

Proposal and Paper Writing
Instructor: Jennifer Albanese, PhD

Visualization and Graphics
Instructor: Heather Lynch, PhD

Students are allowed to miss one session with a legitimate reason but will be required to make up the session through the use of online materials.


Fall -  Career Development Content

(Session order is subject to change)

Self–Assessment - Developing an IDP
Instructor: Kathleen Flint Ehm, PhD 

How to Prepare a CV / Rèsumé
Instructor: Jennifer McCauley, PhD 

Elevator Pitch
Instructor: Alfreda James, PhD 

Industry vs Academia - "Many Paths to Science"
Instructor: Panel event

Interviewing/Salary Negotiation
Instructor: Marianna Savoca, PhD

Imposter Phenomenon
Instructor: Danielle Merolla, PhD

How to Give a Great Talk 
Instructors: Elizabeth Bojsza 

Mindfulness / Stress Management 
Instructors: Patrick McCauley, PsyD

Time Management
Instructors: Kennellia Mellanson

How to Attend a Conference 
Instructors: Rosalia Davi, MA/MS

Students are allowed to miss one session with a legitimate reason but will be required to make up the session through the use of online materials.


Fall 23 Schedule
