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Joseph M. Pierce Faculty Book Discussion

Argentine Intimacies reflects on the intersections of intimacy, desire, and nationalism in a particularly conflictive period in Argentine history. In this presentation, Pierce outlines the "terrible inheritance" that led members of the Argentine elite to defend the family as the last bastion of stability in a changing world. By discussing kinship as an interface of relational dispositions, Pierce reveals the queerness at the heart of the modern family. Queerness emerges not as an alternative to traditional values so much as a defining feature of the state project of modernization.

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 Pierce book cover                         Joseph M. Pierce is Associate Professor in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature. He is the author of Argentine Intimacies: Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890-10910  and co-editor of Políticas del amor: Derechos sexuales y escrituras disidentes en el Cono Sur  as well as the forthcoming special issue of GLQ, “Queer/Cuir Américas: Translation, Decoloniality, and the Incommensurable.”
Lisa Diedrich is Professor and Chair of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Stony Brook University. Her research and teaching interests are in critical medical studies, disability studies, feminist science studies, and graphic medicine. She is the author of Indirect Action: Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, AIDS, and the Course of Health Activism and Treatments: Language, Politics, and the Culture of Illness.