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Port Jefferson Village - Go Green

In 2008, HISB inaugurated its activist Port Jefferson Village-Go Green community outreach program in partnership with public officials, private citizens, businesses and schools in the surrounding community. The remarkable development of PJV-GG over the years provides a unique research opportunity for understanding how, not only individuals but entire communities, can begin to change in regard to undertaking sustainable practices in our homes, workplaces, schools, libraries and indeed ultimately all local (including business) institutions. The unique interface between HISB faculty and students, and the PJV-GG project found new energy in 2012 around the annual November Festival. Interviews with a diverse range of community activists—high school students, parents, teachers, local librarians, coastal clean-up officials, community leaders initiating the PJV-GG projects and SBU faculty leaders—showed the diversity of activities ongoing in the community as well as the passion and concern, on the side of both the University and the Community, to make a difference as regards climate change.

Learn More about PJGG

PJGG on YouTube