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Day-long Symposium: Ekphrasis, the Sister Arts, and the Humanities

            Literary ekphrasis is broadly defined as a “verbal representation of a visual representation,” (Heffernan) but the act of ekphrasis speaks to the incorporation of one art into another. Rimsky-Korsakov’s orchestral piece Scheherazade is musical ekphrasis; Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is the most common literary example. This symposium will flesh out some of the ways we read, teach, or perform within the humanities, holding a particular eye toward expanding our understanding of women’s contributions to the arts. The symposium will gather teachers and students from across the humanities to discuss topics ranging from theoretical applications, pedagogical implication, archive and research resources, and the historical significance of women in the arts.

Planning for this symposium is underway, and more details will follow here. The CFP will be broadcast widely, and the event will feature art exhibits, a keynote, reception, and training on the digital humanities aspects of reading the Sister Arts.

You can sign up for our Sister Arts Listserv at the link to the right. More information coming soon!