Styliani-Anna (Stella) E. Tsirka, PhD(Center Director and Director of the Minor in Hellenic Studies)
SUNY Distinguished Professor
Miriam and David S. Donoho Endowed Professor
Department of Pharmacological Sciences
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs, Renaissance School of Medicine
631.444.3859 | Basic Sciences Tower 8-192
styliani-anna.tsirka@stonybrook.eduSimos Zenios, PhD
Assistant Professor
Peter V. Tsantes Endowed Professor in Hellenic Studies
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
2042 Humanities, Z-3358
Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
2125 Humanities, Z-3358
Maria Athanasopoulou, PhD (Director of the Summer in Greece Program)
Adjunct Lectruer, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
Faculty Development Specialist, Office for Faculty Affairs, Renaissance School of Medicine
Health Sciences Center 4-142