ESS Courses for the M.S. Degree in Geosciences with a Concentration in Earth and Space Sciences
These courses are intended for:
- Teachers in the MS program and
- Master of Arts in teaching science students
- Teachers in other disciplines with a Master’s degree who would like to be dually certified
- Earth Science teachers with a Master’s degree who need graduate courses to meet their
continuing education or professional development requirements.

Sarychev Volcano (Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) in an early stage of eruption
on June 12, 2009. NASA

A galaxy smashed through the heart of the Cartwheel Galaxy 100 million years ago.
Required Courses for the MS in Earth and Space Sciences concentration ESS 501 Foundations of Earth Science (3 cr.) ESS 610 Capstone Project (1 cr.)
Elective Courses The following courses will be taught every other year in the evening, during the summer
or on weekends to meet the needs of employed teachers.
Other graduate courses in astronomy, atmospheric sciences and geology may also be
acceptable elective courses.
ESS 522 The Planets (3 cr) ESS 523 Collisions in the Solar System (3 cr) ESS 524 The Universe (3 cr) ESS 532 Atmospheric Fundamentals (3 cr) ESS 533 Global Climate (3 cr) ESS 534 Air Pollution and Control (3 cr) ESS 536 Principles of Weather Analysis and Forecasting (3 cr) ESS 541 Earth’s Surficial Environment (3 cr) ESS 542 Tectonic Environment (3 cr) ESS 543 Rocks and Minerals (3 cr) ESS 544 Geology of New York (3 cr) ESS 585 Directed Studies (3 cr) ESS 589 Research for Earth Science Teachers (1 to 3 cr) ESS 601 Topics in Earth and Space Sciences (3 cr)