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Facilities & Services Meets with Undergraduate Student Government to Discuss Parking and Transportation at Stony Brook

The Stony Brook University Facilities & Services team recently attended a weekly Undergraduate Student Government meeting to provide information about recent changes to parking and transportation at Stony Brook, and to field concerns and comments from the group’s Senators, who represent the entire undergraduate student body population at SBU. 

Dean Tufts, Vice President for Facilities & Services, gave a presentation that summarized the Parking & Transportation Department’s annual approach to parking allocations on campus, along with the guiding principles that were foundational to this year’s parking allotments for residential and commuter students. As part of the presentation, Dean highlighted the recent gain of 45 parking spaces for resident students and 40 parking spaces for commuter students that was achieved through focused utilization of each and every single parking space available on campus. Active permit counts were also shared, along with information about the numerous transportation options that exist for the entire Seawolf community.

USG Senators were invited to bring questions and concerns with them to the meeting, which were reviewed and answered. The group also provided suggestions for future transportation initiatives including additional bicycle stations on campus, and utilizing scooters to navigate from parking lots to classes and activities. The Parking & Transportation team looks forward to exploring the ideas presented, and continuing to find ways to satisfy the parking requirements for all students, faculty, staff and visitors at the University.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation that was reviewed during the meeting can be viewed here.
