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Job Market Candidates

Placement Committee

Steven Stern & Chang Liu
Placement Coordinators

Placement Administrator

Tim Chin
Graduate Program Coordinator


2024-25 Candidates:

For your convenience, we’ve included a summary list of our Ph.D. candidates currently in the job market this year. Additional information on each student are available from our placement committee.

Job Market Packet

Name and Contact Fields of Study Job Market Paper Advisor(s)
Name and Contact
Ahmad Al Khawaja
Ahmad Al Khawaja
Fields of StudyApplied Game Theory, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Political Game Theory, Social and Economic Networks, Theoretical Industrial Organization Job Market PaperStrategic Conflict Between Two Groups of Players: The Non-Cooperative Approach Advisor(s)Yair Tauman
Name and Contact
Aneesh Arora
Aneesh Arora
Fields of StudyApplied Microeconomics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Empirical Microeconomics, Quantitative Marketing Job Market Paper Dynamic Model of Technology Adoption- An application to the Smartphone Industry Advisor(s)Hugo Benitez-Silva
Name and Contact
Hualong Diao
Hualong Diao
Fields of StudyApplied Microeconomics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Cybersecurity Economics Job Market Paper Self-Selection in Randomized Controlled Trials and Screening Decisions: Evidence from the Screening Trial for Lung Cancer Advisor(s)Steven Stern
Name and Contact Fields of Study International Finance, Macroeconomics Job Market Paper Sovereign Debt Crises and Structural Transformation Advisor(s)Juan Carlos Conesa
Name and Contact
Zhu Liang
Zhu Liang
Fields of Study Empirical Industrial Organization, Health Economics, Product Design Job Market Paper Risk Adjustment, Self-Selection, and Plan Design in Medicare Advantage Advisor(s)Yiyi Zhou
Name and Contact
Takahiro Moriya
Takahiro Moriya
Fields of Study Applied Game Theory, Applied Microeconomics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Microeconomic Theory Job Market Paper Communication Technology Advance and Consequences: Using Two-sided Search Model Advisor(s)Steven Stern
Name and Contact
Mansi Sharma
Mansi Sharma
Fields of StudyApplied Microeconomics, Demography, Development Economics, Gender Economics,  Job Market PaperIntergenerational Transmission of Attitudes: Views of Spousal Abuse Among Adolescent Children in India Advisor(s)Steven Stern
Name and Contact
Kwanjai Yoo
Kwanjai Yoo
Fields of StudyHousehold Finance, Labor Economics, Macroeconomics Job Market Paper Heterogeneity in Income Risk: Measurement and Implications for Consumption Responses Advisor(s)Juan Carlos Conesa