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Center for Integrated Electric Energy Systems (CIEES) enhances the development and integration of cutting-edge technologies into electric energy systems, working with industry partners and leveraging the technical and intellectual assets of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory. CIEES is located at Advanced Energy Research and Development Center (AERTC) in the Stony Brook University Research and Development Park.

The Empire State Development's Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) funds 15 Centers for Advanced Technology (CATs) throughout New York State to encourage greater collaboration between private industry and universities in the development and application of new technologies. The CAT program, created in 1983, facilitates a continuing program of basic and applied research, development and technology transfer in multiple technological areas, in collaboration with and through the support of private industry. CATs play a critical role in spurring technology-based applied research and economic development in the state; promoting national and international research collaboration and innovation; and leveraging New York's research expertise and funding with investments from the federal government, foundations, businesses, venture capital firms and other entities.

NYSTAR periodically identifies technology fields of strategic importance to New York's economic competitiveness and holds competitions to award 10-year CAT designations to New York universities, university-affiliated research institutes, or consortia of such institutions. Stony Brook is one of the few designated university sites to host two CATs: CIEES and the Center for Biotechnology.

Our Mission

To leverage the technical capabilities of the intellectual assets of Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory in order to provide competitive advantage to established and to-be-established  energy related industry  and services in Long Island, and New York State.

Our goal is to make New York a global leader in the technologies that will accelerate the progress of renewable energy as one of the mainstream resources displacing fossil fuel-based electric power worldwide by facilitating the integration of renewable sources into the electric grid.

We promote industry growth in New York in both thrusts by supporting industry collaborations with university experts.