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IRACDA Scholar: Jennifer Blackwell, Ph.D.


Jennifer Blackwell                                                               

PhD: Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania
NY-CAPS Placement: Department of Neurobiology and Behaviorphoto


Jennifer was born and raised in Maryland and received a B.A. in Mathematics from University of Pennsylvania in 2012. She continued her graduate studies at Penn, combining in vivo electrophysiology and optogenetics to study auditory processing in mice, and received her PhD in 2019. For her postdoctoral research, she studies taste perception in a mouse model of frontotemporal dementia. 

Why I chose to join IRACDA NY-CAPS: During graduate school I started volunteering with the Upward Bound program teaching Neuroscience to local Philadelphia high school students. Through this I discovered my passion for teaching underprivileged students and knew it was a career I wanted to continue to pursue. The IRACDA NY-CAPS program gives me the opportunity to pursue both my passion for teaching and research in a supportive environment.

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