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IRACDA Scholar: Adonis McQueen, Ph.D.


Adonis McQueen                                                             

PhD: Molecular Medicine, University of South Florida
NY-CAPS Placement: Department of Pharmacological Sciences

Adonis Mcqueen


Adonis obtained his B.S and M.S in chemistry from Florida A&M University. He then went on to pursue his Ph.D in Molecular Medicine from the University of South Florida in the lab of Dr. Dennis Kyle. His primary research interests involve drug discovery for infectious diseases and the molecular mechanisms under which these therapeutics work. Adonis’s dissertation research was in elucidating the mechanism of action of the antimalarial Primaquine, as well as detecting dormant forms of malaria that reside in the liver after infection. Adonis is currently working in the lab of Dr. Peter Tonge in the department of chemistry, where he is synthesizing and studying the kinetics of LpxC inhibitors to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria. His professional goals are to instruct undergraduates in Chemistry and Drug Discovery, increase awareness about policy issues surrounding STEM research and education, and research novel ways to combat infectious diseases and mental health issues.

 Why I chose to join IRACDA NY-CAPS: I chose to join the IRACDA NY-CAPS program because of the integration of research with training in  college teaching practices. I am passionate about science education, science policy, and research. Participating in the IRACDA program allows me to engage all of these interests, as well as providing opportunities for me to pursue them all professionally.

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