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Sei Sujishi Award

The Sei Sujishi Prize is funded by an endowment established in 1994 by family members and friends of the late chemistry professor Sei Sujishi, who taught freshman chemistry effectively for many years. The winner is determined by vote of the faculty involved in the teaching of our freshman courses. The award is given to the student who concluded his or her freshman year with the most consistent outstanding performance in both classroom and laboratory. The prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award, both of which are presented at the annual Undergraduate Recognition Awards ceremony.

Year Recipient(s)
1995 Kostandinos Sideras
1996 Keith Stowell
1997 Charlotte Eng
1998 Eric Mariuma
1999 Sabbath Troisi
2000 Vladimir Simov
2001 Gena Won
2002 Yee Low
2003 Eric Rus
2004 Xiannian Wu
2005 Sara Cerrone
2006 Robert Robinson
2007 Ka Fut Poon
2008 Matthew Graham, Jeffrey Wu
2009 Hillary Moss
2010 Michael Saccomanno, Daniel Weinstein
2011 Peter Giattini
2012 Elizabeth Ha, Saif Laljee
2013 Edward Miller
2014 Kevin Abraham
2015 Kian Avilla, Hong Ng
2016 Ryan Kawalerski, Anthony Huang, Mathew Staudt, Matthew Wu
2017 Ryan McHugh, Yexin Su
2018 Matthew Lee, Michael Cottone, Kathikeyan Mayvilvahanan
2019 Jessi Chen, Shrey Thacker
2020 Penelope Chang, Xiner Jiang
2021 Ethan Aminov, Saba Gulzar, Kimberley Owusu
2022 Kevin Gatien, Noah Schwartzapfel
2023 Hiba Ahmed, Tyler Nagosky