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A Message from Dean Andrew Singer

Dean Andrew Singer

As dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University, it is my pleasure to welcome you to one of the most exciting places for higher education in the world, at one of the most important times in history for engineering and applied sciences.

Although we only first opened our doors in 1957, our faculty, students, and alumni have made some of the most impactful discoveries of the last century, including the MRI, the Macintosh computer, and reduced instruction set computing (RISC).

Stony Brook University's membership in the Association of American Universities places us among the top 71 research institutions in North America. Our researchers collaborate across disciplines to find innovative ways to improve our human condition. We have 20 research centers and institutes and collaborate with world-leading researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York State institutions and industry.

Our faculty is committed to providing a world-class education and research opportunities for our students. We maintain a standard of excellence while continuing to be one of the most affordable universities in the nation. Consistently ranked first in the nation for social mobility among highly selective universities, our vision is to continue to change the lives of our students, while continuing to change the world around us.

We are the anchor institution for the $700 million world-leading climate center on Governors Island, and Governor Hochul named us the flagship of the SUNY system.  The Simons Foundation gifted us $500 million, the largest unrestricted gift to a public institution in United States history. We have much to look forward to.

My goal is to build the momentum of our national profile, to continue to innovate in engineering education, and to create a vibrant and inclusive innovation ecosystem that supports industry, our community, and impacts our world.

Together, our faculty, researchers and staff will continue to work, to improve, and to accomplish our vision by providing a world-class education in engineering and applied sciences that fosters in our students an endless curiosity and fascination, equipped with the technical knowledge to make a difference. We hope you envision your future with us, too.  There has never been a better time to join us at Stony Brook University.

Andrew C. Singer
Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

About Dean Singer