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Edward Guiliano ‘78, PhD, Global Fellowship Program:
Graduate Students

The Edward Guiliano ‘78, PhD, Global Fellowship Program provides students with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives by engaging with the world beyond Stony Brook University and their local communities. Full-time doctoral students in the humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences may utilize this award for research toward a journal article, dissertation, or related work of artistic expression, as well as for outside-of-the-academy career development. The goal of the Guiliano Global Fellowship program is to give Stony Brook students the opportunity to have a truly enriching, transformational educational experience.

Proposed projects may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Travel and research towards the generation of a publishable journal essay.
  • Out of state, including global, research or scholarly activities related to the completion of their dissertation and degree.
  • A major project of artistic expression that is related to the completion of their degree.
  • Training, coursework, or experiential learning exposure toward a potential career outside academe, such as with public humanities agencies, research and consulting firms, nonprofits of all sorts, and in various kinds of commercial enterprises that draw upon the skill set of a PhD in the humanities.
  • Awards are generally offered in the amount of $2,500 depending on the strength of the application, cost of the activity, and availability of funds.

Eligibility Guidelines:  

  • Applicants must be full-time doctoral students in the SBU College of Arts and Sciences, in one of the following programs: Music; Art; English; Philosophy;  Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature; Hispanic Languages and Literature; History 
  • Projects must take place at least 200 miles from the student’s home or the Stony Brook campus with the exception of specialized non-academic career training.
  • Credit-bearing related activities require approval by a Stony Brook faculty member in the applicant’s relevant academic department.
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.
  • Proposed travel must conclude prior to the applicant’s graduation date.
  • Students may only receive the Guiliano Global Fellowship once during their graduate career.
  • Applicants may not propose an activity in a country currently under a State Department Level 3 or Level 4 Travel Advisory. *All successful proposals will be subject to re-evaluation if the security situation changes prior to departure.
  • Successful applicants with travel funded outside the USA must provide proof of purchase for GeoBlue International Health Insurance before funds can be disbursed.
  • A Final Project Report is required for all funded projects and should include a brief written narrative together with media (photos, video, audio, etc.) that comments on the details of the project, findings and impact on student learning.
  • Students may submit proposals for group projects.
  • Awardees are required, if invited, to participate in one to three post-project meetings for reflection and development of learning objectives related to project activities.
  • Guiliano Fellows must agree to publicly share winning proposals and final reports.


How to apply:

    1. 1. Complete the online application form in one pdf file. The form should including the following documents in this order: 
      • Essay #1 - Personal Statement: This up-to-250-word narrative is designed to give the selection committee a picture of the applicant as an individual. It is an opportunity to discuss one’s educational and professional trajectory, as well as one’s future career plans. The Personal Statement should not be a retelling of the applicant’s resume, but rather, a focused and compelling way of telling the applicant’s story as it relates to this opportunity. The Personal Statement is about the applicant; the second essay, called the Project Proposal, is about what the applicant plans to do if awarded these funds.
      • Essay #2 - Project Proposal: This up-to-250-word document outlines the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of what one is proposing to do if selected. This essay should focus on why the applicant’s proposed project must be completed in a particular location and why the applicant is uniquely qualified to carry it out. Applicants must detail how the proposed project will impact the educational and professional goals described in their Personal Statements. Applicants must also propose how the applicant would showcase the results of the experience to the University community.
      • Budget Plan with estimated expenditure for each item (Tuition for credit bearing study abroad will NOT be funded; must indicate that other funds are available to pay tuition)
      • Unofficial transcript 
      • CV/Resume (Optional)
      • Identify the name of the Referee for the letter of support
    2. 2. One letter of support from the applicant’s advisor or research supervisor must  be submitted directly to the Review Committee at

Selection Criteria

Applications are selected using a rubric that rates applications based on valuing the following criteria:

    • Clarity:The proposal clearly indicates the purpose, goals, and methods used to achieve the desired outcome.
    • Connectedness:The project is important to the student’s artistic, academic, or community engagement goals, connecting relevant experience and knowledge to deepen their understanding and broaden their worldview.
    • Creativity/Innovation:The project shows evidence of individual originality and drive. Ideas are combined in interesting and surprising ways to discover information, address an issue, or make something new.
    • Transformative potential:The proposal shows evidence of the student pushing personal, academic, or creative boundaries. The project outlines a potentially transformational experience that could not be replicated locally or without fellowship support. The fellowship provides the student with an opportunity that they might otherwise not be able to have.
    • Overall merits of the project:The project is socially, intellectually or artistically compelling and/or significant.
    • Relevance of the budget:Financial requirements are clearly indicated. Costs are broken down by category and budget amount. The request is reasonable and demonstrates effective cost management.

Application Deadlines:

Fall deadline: October 1 (Projects will take place during the Winter Session or spring semester)

Spring deadline: March 1 (Projects will take place during the Summer Session or fall semester)

 Questions? Please email

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