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Kelcie Eberharth '23
BA History
Pronouns: she/her

Kelcie Eberharth

Favorite Class:
My favorite class was actually a writing requirement class for the history degree, HIS 301. The class topic was on the history of disease, something that seemed especially poignant at the time since I took it during the Spring of 2021 when classes were still all online because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The class was a way for students to discuss not only history but have the ability to draw parallels to the present day. This was also the class that ended up introducing me to the topic I wrote about in my honors thesis.

Clubs and organizations:
I was involved in a number of organizations on campus. Academically, I was the President of the History Club, a member of the editorial board for the Undergraduate History Journal, involved with Phi Alpha Theta (the history honor society), and the head archivist at The Statesman. I got involved with Greek Life after becoming a member of Phi Alpha Delta, the pre-law fraternity, in the Spring of 2021, and later became the Alumni Relations chair for the organization. Athletically, I played on the Stony Brook Club Field Hockey team. Stony Brook has such a wide variety of organizations and clubs to join, and they are a great way of meeting people and making friends!

Greatest Achievement:
I think the biggest accomplishment I’ve  had while at Stony Brook was finishing my honors thesis. This year-long project can seem so overwhelming in the fall when you begin your research that it feels amazing when you write your concluding sentence. The honors thesis project allows students to gain a chance to experience a larger project that requires such discipline and focus. Being on the other side of it now is something I am genuinely proud of  – it is like no other feeling!

Plans for post-graduation:
I am planning on taking some time off to work, travel, and take the LSAT with the ultimate goal of attending law school.

Advice for potential Seawolves:
You only get out of college what you put into it! Go out and try something new, put yourself out there, this is the time to take a chance.