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Chiori Negishi '22
BA Studio Art
Minor in Art History



Where are you originally from?

I was born in Japan, and then I moved to California where I grew up. I then moved back to Japan and later on spent my teenage years and my college years on Long Island. 


My major is Studio Art with a concentration in Electronic Media and Photography. I chose this because I became interested in photography ever since I took film photography in high school. I then naturally became a Digital Art minor from my passion for digital art, and then an Art History minor because the art history classes I took here sparked my interest.

Favorite class? 

I had so many great professors here which makes it so hard for me to pick a favorite, but one of my absolute favorites was ARS420 with Professor Stephanie Dinkins. I had worked on a 3D animation + a poster design project titled “fragile lives” for the entire semester and although it was one of the projects I worked on the hardest in this school, it ignited in me something new because it was my first time working in digital 3D. The work was chosen for the 2021 URECA, 2022 Sunwood Art Exhibition, and 2022 Senior Show.

Interests and accomplishments:

I have always been fascinated with the film and TV industry, which led me to take a few film classes as an elective. So I do love watching movies and new shows. I also love exercising, whether it’s playing tennis, going to the gym, or doing some yoga. You can probably catch me either watching a movie or at the gym in my free time! 

My recent accomplishments would include having a solo photography exhibition in Japan and being inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society. Creds to the wonderful curator, S. Fukuhara, for letting me have my very first solo exhibition.

Career aspirations:

I want to continue my practice in art, whether that is in graphic design, digital art, or photography. I am hoping after gaining some experience a couple of years down the road, I can find myself in a film studio where I can work in the film industry using the skills that I sharpened. But as long as I am happy with what I’m doing, I think that’s all that matters. 


I am the Vice President of the SBU Special Olympics club, a Graphic Designer (past Historian) of the Japanese Student Organization, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. 

Advice for future Seawolves? 

I would advise them to make the most out of their time here. Go to events, join some clubs/organizations, and take classes outside of your major that is still of interest to you. College is about academics, but it’s not ALL about academics. This is the ideal time to explore or find your passion and shape who you are. 

Favorite SBU memory?

It’s the small, at the time what I thought was insignificant, moments I’ll remember the most. Waking up so early to go to the gym that the campus is still dark and quiet, walking across campus late at night with my friends, having the funniest conversations with my suitemates, finding a new peaceful study spot on campus, and meeting someone at freshman orientation (who I will happily spend the rest of my college years with). 

Parting thoughts:

I want to thank all the professors, faculty members, and friends of mine that made the past four years so memorable. They are the ones that helped me through the highs and the lows, and I have grown so much because of them. I was not able to be on campus for about a year and a half of my 4 years here, but they were all so supportive and helpful during the time I was away because of the pandemic. I would love to keep in touch with you all after I graduate, and you are what I will miss the most from my time here.