The Center for Accelerator Science and Education (CASE)
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CASE is a joint center between BNL and SBU with the dual missions of performing graduate research in advanced accelerator concepts and training scientists and engineers in the science and engineering of accelerators. It brings together the largest assembly of advanced accelerators in the U.S., the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), and the expertise of the large and internationally renowned accelerator division, all at BNL, with the SBU faculty with its extensive experience in superconducting accelerators and large detector facilities at RHGIC and the LHC. The current director of CASE is Professor V. N. Litvinenko, who is also Deputy Head of Accelerator Physics R&D at BNL. Deputy Director for Research is Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL Professor of Physics at SBU and Head of Accelerator R&D Division at BNL. Deputy Director for Education is Tom Hemmick, Professor of Physics at SBU.
Nine SBU graduate students are currently pursuing thesis work in science and engineering associated with CASE. Possible graduate student research topics are:
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- Theory and experiment s of coherent electron cooling
- Beam dynamics and beam control of next generation colliders (eRHIC, LHC upgrades, ERL)
- Free electron lasers
- Novel guns and SCRF accelerators
- Experiments on Accelerator Test Facility
For more information on CASE please refer to The CASE website.