AAAS STEM/Double Major Scholarship
Department of Asian & Asian American Studies STEM/Double Major Scholarship
DEADLINE : March 28, 2025
The Department of Asian and Asian American Studies (AAAS) is pleased to announce a
scholarship for studnets who are double majoring in AAAS and STEM. This scholarship
supports students who integrate STEM with AAAS to gain perspective and knowledge in
humanity and global context.
China Studies
Shiming Hu / Eli Seifman Memorial Awards & Scholarships
DEADLINE extended: April 19, 2024
The China Studies Program is honored to offer several annual competitive awards and
scholarships, established in the memory of Dr. Shiming Hu, Distinguished Teaching Professor, and Dr. Eli Seifman, Distinguished Service Professors, co-founders of Chinese Studies at Stony Brook
Japanese Studies
Annual Japan Center Essay Competition
Sith the support of Canon USA, the Japan Center at Stony Brook organizes Annual "Japan Center Essay Competition" for high school and college students in the New York Metropolitan area. The 1st place winner will receive $3,000 cash award. Essay submission deadlines is usually January 8th.
Korean Studies
TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) for SUNY Internship
TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) is a Korean government sponsored internship/scholarship program which invites undergraduate students in English-speaking countries to Korea to teach English in after-school programs in elementary schools outside Seoul.Learn How To Apply
Korean Studies Graduate Scholoarship
**The Graduate scholarship is offered during the Spring Semesters.**
The Center for Korean Studies is pleased to announce graduate scholarship opportunities
in Korean Studies. This scholarsip aims to encourage graduate-level research and
dialogues on Korea-related topis at Stony Brook University.
Korean Undergraduate Scholarship
**The Undergraduate scholarship is offered during the Fall semesters.**
Thanks to generous support from the Koran comunity and the Stony Brook alumni, the
Korean Studies Program has offered various scholarship opportunities to both graduate
and undergraduate students for the past twenty years. We currently have two undergraduate
scholarships available each fall semester.
Korean Teacher Education Scholarship
With the generous support from the Korean Language Foundation, a Korean-American community organization in the greater area, the Center for Korean Studies is pleased to announce two $2,000 scholarship awards for students who are AAAS majors with adolescent education in Korean.
Korean Language Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence and Leadership
The Center for Korean Studies is proud to announce the Korean Language Undergraduate Award for Academic Excellence and Leadership for 2015-2016 academic year. This award is made available through the fund of the Korean Language Association, a Korean American organization that has supported the learning and teaching of Korean language in the primary and secondary education. Two undergraduate students among those who are majoring in the Korean teacher training program will be selected by the Korean Studies scholarship committee, and each of them will receive a $5,000 scholarship for aforementioned academic year. Details and application guidelines will be announced through the Center's website and facebook in January 2016.
South Asian Studies
The Mattoo Center for India Studies Scholarships
The Mattoo Center for India Studies invites students to apply for the Vineet Johnsingh Memorial Scholarship in India Studies, the Prem & Latha Chandran Scholarship in Hinduism and Vedic Philosophy, and the Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy Memorial Scholarhip in India Studies Scholarship Application Deadlines are typically in April or May.