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Human Evolutionary Biology Major (BS) 

The Human Evolutionary Biology (EBH) program at Stony Brook University draws from the natural and social sciences to examine how evolutionary forces have shaped the human condition.

The EBH degree program is offered jointly by the Departments of Anthropology and of Ecology and Evolution and results in a Bachelor of Science degree. Students majoring in this program will receive a strong background in the natural sciences, mathematics, statistics and anthropology, and will have the option to sample broadly or focus more directly on three subfields.

In the human evolution and morphology subfield, students will explore the palaeontological, morphological, and cultural transitions that occurred during the evolution of the human lineage. In the subfield human and non-human primate genetics and genomics, EBH majors will examine genetic diversity, evolutionary relationships, and genetic adaptations in humans and their closest living relatives, non-human primates. Finally, courses in the evolutionary basis of behavior subfield will help students use an evolutionary framework to understand human and non-human primate behaviors and its underlying physiology.

Courses are taught by world-renowned faculty in Anthropology and Ecology and Evolution, all conducting novel and exciting research in their fields. By the end of training, students will develop a background in evolutionary theory and important skills in critical thinking and scientific methods. Interested students should contact the EBH Director of Undergraduate Studies. Students wishing to check their progress in the program should contact the director or the assistant to the director, Melissa Cohen in the Department of Ecology & Evolution. All other requests (e.g., requirements for post-baccalaureate professional schools) should be directed to the Academic and Transfer Advising Services.


A degree in Human Evolutionary Biology will prepare students for a number of post-graduate career paths. For example, many of the required courses are also prerequisites for entry into medical, dental, public health, allied health, and biotechnology schools. This degree program will also provide interdisciplinary training in the natural sciences and anthropology, thereby preparing students for continued training in graduate school for Master’s and Doctoral degrees. In addition, a background in Human Evolutionary Biology will open up opportunities for careers or professional education in teaching at the elementary or high school level and public policy in the governmental and non-governmental sectors. More information about career opportunities can be found here.

Research Opportunities

EBH majors will have opportunities to participate in overseas field research and courses in the Turkana Basin, Kenya and Ranomafana, Madagascar. In addition, students will have a number of opportunities to conduct laboratory research with faculty members that specialize in each of the three EBH subfields.


The EBH program requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Major requirements checklist, click here.

Requirements checklist for double majors, click here.


EBH majors must complete 36 credits in Core Requirements. These include courses in Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHE), Mathematics (MAT), Anthropology (ANP / ANT) and Human Evolutionary Biology (EBH). Students must also complete a minimum of 24 credits in Subfield Courses: Human Evolution and Morphology, Human Genetics and Genomics, and Evolutionary Basis of Behavior. Subfield Courses may be substituted by a maximum of 7 credits from Related Courses in Anthropology, Biology, and Geology. Course listings for the upcoming semester can be found on the University Registrar web page.

For the Fall 2024 EBH course permission request form, click here.

EBH Honors Program

The EBH honors program is designed for students preparing to continue on in health-related professional schools or graduate programs for Master’s and Doctoral degrees. A detailed description of EBH honors program requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin (scroll down to Honors Program in Human Evolutionary Biology).

EBH Director of Undergraduate Studies
James Rossie
Phone: (631) 632-5808
Academic Program Coordinator
Melissa Cohen
Phone: (631) 632-8604