Wei Zhu
Professor and CEAS Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and International Programs, Ph.D., 1996
University of California, Los Angeles: Biostatistics
Wei Zhu is a statistician whose diverse research projects include design and analysis
of experiments (for dose response studies and clinical trials), longitudinal and contemporaneous
pathway discovery and analysis (for biological pathways and financial networks), errors
in variable modeling (for measurement platform/instrument comparisons and calibrations),
and robust regression analysis. Her former students have taken positions in academia
and in a broad range of industry as quality control managers, biostatisticians, risk
managers and financial analysts. Professor Zhu is also affiliated with the SBU Center
for Finance (thttp://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/clusterhires/clusters/cf.html).
Office: Math Tower P-138
Phone: 631-632-8374