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We're linking research with practice.


At The Link, we share essential insights from different areas of research to support the growing community of those interested in scicomm


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Connecting Science Communication Research with Action

Below is a curated selection of features from the field of science communication written by collaborators.


Talking and Taking Vaccines in Tennessee

While COVID-19 vaccines are safe and reduce the risk of severe illness, in the state of Tennessee, only 54 percent of the population is fully vaccinated (as of April 1, 2022). How do we boost that percentage? And how can science communication make...

How to identify and talk to your target audience

How To Identify And Talk To Your Target Audience

When was the last time you sat in a scientific talk and had no idea what the presenter was talking about? Trust me, it’s not you. It’s them.

Misconceptions part 2 image with title

Misconceptions in Science Communication

Science communication (scicomm) is an emerging field, and therefore still susceptible to misconceptions, including a lack of understanding of the value of targeted messages, relying too heavily on facts and data, and believing that information alone...

screengrab of Alan, Laura and moderator in a discussion

Celebrating 10 years of Science Communication

Clear and vivid science communication is more important than it ever has been, and the Alda Center for ten years has been one of the leading science communication training organizations in the United States. Join our founder, Alan Alda, and our executive...