BIO 361 |
CHE 131, 132 |
MAP 103, MAT 123 |
PHY 122, 131, 132 |
Tuesday, February 25th 5-8PM Tuesday, March 25th 5-8PM |
Sunday, February 16th 5-8PM Sunday, March 9th 5-8PM Monday, April 21st 6-9PM |
Sunday, March 2nd 5-8PM Thursday, April 17th 5-8pm |
Sunday, February 23rd 5-8PM Thursday, April 3rd 5-8PM |
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Study Jams
On evenings leading up to certain common exams, the Academic Success and Tutoring Center opens our center for individual and group studying.
What can I expect?
- discuss class concepts with classmates and trained peer tutors
- learn effective study strategies and test taking tips
- use our private study rooms and group study tables
Study Jams take place in the Academic Success and Tutoring Center located in the SB Union, suite L-08 (lower level).
Come for a bit or stay the entire time! Space is limited.