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Selected Publications
- Ulicheva, Anna, Hanna Harvey, Mark Aronoff, and Kathy Rastle. 2019. Skilled readers' sensitivity to meaningful regularities in English Spelling. Cognition.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2019. Competitors and alternants in linguistic morphology. In Franz Rainer, Francesco Gardani, Wolfgang Dressler, & Hans Christian Luschützky, Eds. Competition in inflection and word formation. Berlin: Springer (in press)
- Aronoff, Mark. 2018. Morphology and words: a memoir. In Fiammetta Namer and Olivier Bonami, Eds. The Lexeme in Descriptive and Theoretical Morphology. Berlin: Language Sciences Press. 3-20
- Berg, Kristian, and Mark Aronoff. 2018. Further evidence for self-organization in English spelling. Language 94. online.
- Meir, Irit, et al. 2017. The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order: Insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages. Cognition 158. 189-207.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2017 (submitted). Competitors and alternants. To appear in a volume of selected papers from IMM 17, Vienna, 2016.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2017. Darwinism tested by the science of language. In On looking into language: structures, relations, analyses, ed. by Claire Bowern, Laurence Horn, and Raffaella Zanuttini. 443-455.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2017. English verbs in Syntactic Structures. In Syntactic Structures after 60 Years: The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics. Norbert Hornstein and Charles Yang, eds.
- Berg, Kristian, and Mark Aronoff. 2017. Self-organization in the spelling of English suffixes. Language 93. 1-28.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2016. A fox knows many things but a hedgehog one big thing. The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology. Edited by Andrew Hippisley and Greg Stump. Cambridge: CUP. 186-205.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2016. Competition and the lexicon. In Livelli di Analisi e fenomeni di interfaccia. Atti del XLVII congresso internazionale della società di linguistica Italiana. Ed. by Annibale Elia, Claudio Iacobini, and Miriam Voghera. Roma: Bulzoni Editore. 39-52.
- Aronoff, Mark , Kristian Berg, and Vera Heyer. 2016. Some implications of English spelling for morphological processing. The Mental Lexicon 11.164-185.
- Aronoff, Mark. Unnatural Kinds. 2016. In The Morphome Debate, ed. by Ana Luis and Carlos Bermudez-Otero. 11-32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Mark Lindsay. 2014. Partial organization in languages: la langue est un système où la plupart se tient.Proceedings of Décembrettes 8. Edited by Sandra Augendre, Graziella Couasnon-Torlois, Déborah Lebon, Clément Michard, Gilles Boyé, and Fabio Montermini. Rapport Interne No. 22 de CLLE-ERSS. pp. 1-14.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2014. Face the facts. In Foisonnements morphologiques: études en hommage à Françoise Kerleroux. Ed. by Florence Villoing and Sophie David. Paris: PUPO. 307 - 324.
- Sandler, Wendy, Mark Aronoff, Carol Padden, and Irit Meir. 2014. Language emergence: Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Langauge. In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology, ed. by N. J. Enfield, Paul Kockelman, and Jack Sidnell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 246-278.
- Aronoff, Mark and Mark Lindsay. 2014. Productivity, blocking, and lexicalization. In The Handbook of Derivational Morphology, ed. by Shelley Lieber and Pavol Štekauer. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2013. Varieties of Morphological Defaults and Exceptions. ReVEL 7.
- Lindsay, Mark and Mark Aronoff. 2013. Natural Selection in Self-Organizing Morphological Systems. In Morphology in Toulouse: Selected Proceedings of Décembrettes 7, ed. by Fabio Montermini, Gilles Boyé, and Jesse Tseng. Germany: Lincom Europa. 133 - 153.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2013. The Roots of Language. In The Boundaries of Pure Morphology, Ed. by Silvio Cruschina, Martin Maiden, and John Charles Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 161 - 180.
- Meir, Irit, Assaf Israel, Wendy Sandler, Carol Padden, and Mark Aronoff.2013. Community structure and language structure. Linguistic variation 12. 247-291.
- Aronoff, Mark. Varieties of morphological defaults and exceptions. ReVEL 7.
- Competing iconicities in the structure of languages. 2013. Cognitive Linguistics 24. 309-343.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2012. Morphological stems: what William of Ockham really said. Word Structure 5. 28-51.
- Xu, Zheng, and Mark Aronoff. 2011. A Realization Optimality Theory approach to blocking and extended morphological exponence. Journal of Linguistics 47. 673 707.
- Padden, Carol, Irit Meir, Wendy Sandler, and Mark Aronoff. 2010. Against all expectations. In Donna Gerdts and John Moore, Eds. Hypothesis A/ Hypothesis B: Linguistic explorations in honor of David M. Perlmutter. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 383-400.
- The emergence of complexity in prosody and syntax. 2011. Lingua. 121. 2014-2033.
- The gradual emergence of phonological form in a new language. 2011. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 29. 503 – 543, with Wendy Sandler, Irit Meir, and Carol Padden.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Carol Padden.2010. Sign language verb agreement and the ontology of morphosyntactic categories. Theoretical Linguistics 37. 143 – 151.
- Manova, Stela, and Mark Aronoff. 2010. Modeling Affix Order. Morphology 20. 109-131.
- Meir, Irit, Mark Aronoff, Wendy Sandler, and Carol Padden. 2010. Sign languages and compounding. In Sergio Scalise and Irene Vogel, Eds. Compounding. John Benjamins. 301-322.
- Meir, Irit, Wendy Sandler, Carol Padden, and Mark Aronoff. 2010. Emerging sign languages. In M. Marschark and P. Spencer, Eds. Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 267-280.
- Padden, Carol, Irit Meir, Wendy Sandler, and Mark Aronoff. 2010. Against all expectations. In Donna Gerdts and John Moore, Eds. Hypothesis A/ Hypothesis B: Linguistic explorations in honor of David M. Perlmutter. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 383-400.
- Padden, Carol, Irit Meir, Mark Aronoff, and Wendy Sandler. 2010. The grammar of space in two new sign languages. In D. Brentari, Ed. Sign Languages: A Cambridge Survey. New York: Cambridge University Press. 573-595.
- Xu, Zheng, and Mark Aronoff. 2010. A realization Optimality-Theoretic approach to affix order. 2010. Morphology 20. 381-411.
- Xu, Zheng , Mark Aronoff, and Frank Anshen. 2007. Deponency in Latin. In Matthew Baerman, Greville G. Corbett, Dunstan Brown, and Andrew Hippisley (eds.), Deponency and Morphological Mismathces. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Meir, Irit, Carol Padden, Wendy Sandler, and Mark Aronoff. 2007. Rethinking sign language verb classes: the body as subject. Journal of Linguistics 43, 531-563.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2007. In the Beginning was the Word. Language 83. 803-830.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2007. Language: between words and grammar. In Jarema, G. & Libben, G., Eds. The Mental Lexicon: Core Perspectives. Elsevier. 6-24.
- Sandler, Wendy, Mark Aronoff, and Irit Meir. 2005. The Paradox of Sign Language Morphology. 2005. Language 81.301-344.
- Sandler, Wendy, Carol Padden, Irit Meir, and Mark Aronoff. 2005. The emergence of grammar: Systematic structure in a new language. 2005. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102.7.2662-2665.
Aronoff, Mark, Carol Padden, Irit Meir, and Wendy Sandler.2004. Morphological universals and the sign language type. . Yearbook of Morphology 19-39.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Robert Hoberman. 2003. The verbal morphology of Maltese: from Semitic to Romance. In Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-based, Morphology, ed. by Joseph Shimron. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 61-78.
- Aronoff, Mark, Irit Meir, Carol Padden, and Wendy Sandler. Classifier complexes and morphology in two sign languages. 2003. In Karen Emmorey, Ed., Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum. 53-84.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Sungeon Cho. 2001. The Semantics of -ship,” Linguistic Inquiry 32.167-173.
- Aronoff, Mark. 2001. Autonomous morphology: the waste remains. Proceedings of CLS 37, vol. 2, The Autonomy of Morphology, 323-338.
1991 - 2000
- Anshen, Frank, and Mark Aronoff. 1999. Using Dictionaries to Study the Mental Lexicon. 1999. Brain and Language 68. 16-26.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1999. Indirect mapping in inflectional morphology. Atti del XXXI Congresso della Società di Linguistica Italiana, 321-332.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1999. Gender agreement as morphology. Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Morphology, 7-18.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1998. isomorphism and monotonicity: Or the disease model of morphology. In Steven Lapointe, Diane K. Brentari, and Patrick Farrell, Eds., Morphology and its Relation to Syntax and Phonology. Stanford: CSLI. 411-417.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1998. Morphology and the lexicon: lexicalization and productivity. In Andrew Spencer and Arnold M. Zwicky, eds. The Handbook of Morphology. Oxford: Blackwell. 237-47.
- Anshen, Frank, and Mark Aronoff. 1996. Morphology in real time. Yearbook of Morphology. 9-12.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Eric Koch. 1996. Context-sensitive regularities in English vowel spelling. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8. 251-65.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1994. Spelling as culture. In W. Watt, Ed. Writing Systems and Cognition, 67-86. Amsterdam: Kluwer.Aronoff, Mark. 1992. Noun classes in Arapesh. Yearbook of Morphology 4: 21-32.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1992. Stems in Latin verbal morphology. In M. Aronoff, Ed. Morphology Now. Albany: SUNY Press, 5-32.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1992. Segmentalism in linguistics: the alphabetic basis of phonological theory. In P. Downing, S. Lima and M. Noonan, Eds. The Linguistics of Literacy. Academic Press. 71-82.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1992. Noun classes in Arapesh. Yearbook of Morphology 4: 21-32.
1981 - 1990
- Anshen, Frank, and Mark Aronoff. 1988. Producing Morphologically Complex Words. Linguistics 26. 641-655.
- Dorit Kaufman, and Mark Aronoff. Morphological disintegration and reconstruction in first language attrition. In H. Seliger and R. Vago, Eds. First Language Attrition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 175-188.
- Dorit Kaufman, and Mark Aronoff. Morphological interaction between L1 and L2 in language attrition. In S. Gass, C. Madden, D. Preston, L. Selinker, Eds. Variation in Second Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Issues. Multilingual Matters. 202-215.
- Anshen, Frank and Mark Aronoff. 1989. morphological productivity, word frequency and The Oxford English Dictionary. In R. W. Fasold and D. Schiffrin, Eds. Language Change and Variation, 197‑202, John Benjamins.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1988. The orthographic system of an early English printer. Folia Linguistica Historica 8: 65-97.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1988. Two Senses of Lexical. ESCOL 1988, 1-11.
- Aronoff, Mark, and S. N. Sridhar. 1988. Prefixation in Kannada. In M. Hammond and M. Noonan, Eds. Theoretical Morphology. Academic Press. 179-191.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1988. Head operations and strata in reduplication: a linear treatment. Yearbook of Morphology 1. 1-15.
- Aronoff, Mark, Azhar Arsyad, Hasan Basri and Ellen Broselow. 1987. Tier configuration in Makassarese reduplication. Papers from the Parasession on Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology, CLS 23, 1-15.
- Aronoff, Mark, Frank Anshen, Roy J. Byrd and Judith Klavans. 1986. The Role of etymology and word length in English word formation. Advances in Lexicology 17-28.
- Aronoff, Mark. Roy J. Byrd, Judith L. Klavans and Frank Anshen. 1986. Computer methods for morphological analysis. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 120-127.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1985. Orthography and Linguistic Theory. Language 61. 28-72.
- Aronoff, Mark, and S. N. Sridhar. 1984. Agglutination and composition in Kannada verb morphology. In Papers from the Parasession on Lexical Semantics, CLS 20, 3-20.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1984. Word formation and lexical semantics. Quaderni di Semantica 5: 43-47.
- Aronoff, Mark, and S. N. Sridhar. 1983. Morphological levels in English and Kannada. In E. Gussman, Ed. Rules and the Lexicon, 10-22, Lublin, also in Papers from the Parasession on the Interplay of Phonology, Morphology and Syntax, CLS 19, 3‑16.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1983. A Decade of Morphology and Word Formation. Annual Review of Anthropology 12: 355-75.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1983. Actual words, potential words, productivity and frequency. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Linguist 163-171.
- Anshen, Frank, and Mark Aronoff. 1982. Dragonfly: Lexical Change, Local Scatter, and the National Norm. Language in Society 11: 413-417.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Frank Anshen. 1981. Morphological productivity and phonological transparency. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 26: 63‑72.
1972 - 1980
- Aronoff, Mark. 1980. Contextuals. Language 56. 744-58.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1980. The treatment of juncture in American linguistics. In Aronoff and Kean, Eds. 29-36.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1980. The relevance of productivity in a synchronic description of word formation. In J. Fisiak, Ed. Historical Morphology, 71-82. The Hague: Mouton.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1979. The Morphology of Store Names. American Speech 54: 155-6.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1979. A reply to Moody. Glossa 13: 115-18.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1978. An English spelling convention. Linguistic Inquiry 9.299-303.
- Aronoff, Mark, and Roger Schvaneveldt. 1978. Testing morphological productivity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 3318. 106-14.
- Aronoff, Mark. Lexical representations. 1978. Proceedings of the Special Session on the Lexicon. Chicago Linguistic Society, 12-25.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1975. -able. Proceedings of The Northeast Linguistics Society 5: 183-91.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1974. The Semantics of growth. Quarterly Progress Report of the Research Laboratory of Electronics 113: 159-62. M.I.T.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1972. Allomorphy and ION. This was the first serious bit of linguistics I ever did and forms a foundation for all my work on morphology.Please forgive the typos. I typed it myself, badly and laboriously, before the advent of word processors.
- Aronoff, Mark. 1971. Studies in Analogical Pseudosyntax 1.1: The complex nature of English lexical categories.