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Site of Activity

The site of activity is the physical, geographic location(s) where an exchange visitor participates in his or her exchange program.

All exchange visitors must have a primary site of activity in their record, but additional sites of activity can and must also be added when the exchange visitor will engage in activities at more than one location.

Occasional lectures or short-term consultations

J-1 exchange visitors may participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations, if authorized to do so by his or her sponsor. Such lectures and consultations must be incidental to the exchange visitor's primary program activities.

  • The occasional lectures or short-term consultations must:
  • Be directly related to the objectives of the exchange visitor's program;
  • Be incidental to the exchange visitor's primary program activities;
  • Not delay the completion date of the visitor's program; and
  • Be documented in SEVIS.

Reimbursements and Honorarium 

If wages or other remuneration are involved, the exchange visitor must provide a letter from the offeror setting forth the terms and conditions of the offer to lecture or consult including the duration, number of hours, field or subject, amount of compensation, and description of such activity.

Changes to your Primary Site of Activity

What if I have already changed my site of activity and didn’t inform VIS?
What if my program objective at the new site is unrelated to my original program objective?
What if my Primary Investigator (PI) or faculty supervisor is the only change?