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CAPRA Minutes: 14 February 2014
Present: N. Goodman (Chair), D. Dwyer, D. Deutsch, S. Adelson, R. Kelly, C. McGrew, K. Gillespie, Schmuel Einav, G. Katz, B. Godfrey
- Mark Maculitis: Review of University operating budget
- Discussion of School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences proposal
Minutes prepared by C. McGrew.
- Assignments for minute takers were collected by N. Goodman
- Mark Maculitis provided CAPRA with hard copies of the SBU 2013-2014 operating budget (296 pages) and provided an overview of how to interpret the information. Questions to be forwarded to M. Maculitis: a) How does the budget compare with the actual expenditures? b) How does the allocation of funding match with the needs for teaching?
- Discussion of proposal for the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Comments
were discussed and should be forwarded to N. Goodman
- The proposal should include a more detailed market analysis: How many pharmacist vacancies need to be filled in NY? What are the placement rates for the peer schools in NYS?
- What are the peer programs in NYS? How does the proposed school compare to those programs?
Space for the new school is in a building to be shared with the medical school. How will conflicts be resolved