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TO: University Senate

FROM: Charles Taber, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

DATE: October 3, 2016

Call for Nominations for the 2016-2017 Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the 2016-2017 call for nominations for the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. The Chancellor's Awards for Excellence are System-level honors conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of excellence. These programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction, and serving the public good. Through these awards, SUNY publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishments and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians and professional staff across its campuses. The awards provide SUNY-wide recognition in five categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, and Teaching.

The nomination form must be electronically submitted to Maureen Wozniak in the Office of the Provost no later than October 13, 2016. The completed hard copy nomination file, addressed to Maureen Wozniak, Office of the Provost, 407 Administration, must be received by November 10, 2016. The nomination form and complete guidelines for preparing the nomination file are located at: Please contact Maureen Wozniak at 631-632-7016 or if you should have any questions regarding the nomination forms or process.
SBU Faculty and Staff Serving on the SUNY Applied Learning Corps of Experts

On July 13, 2016, SUNY Provost Alexander Cartwright circulated to all campuses a call to nominate Applied Learning Experts for the SUNY Applied Learning Corps of Experts. This group of faculty and professional staff will be called upon to share their ideas and experience in developing, implementing, tracking and teaching various types of applied learning, and they will be added to a public list of SUNY Applied Learning Experts. It is anticipated that these experts will volunteer to support other campuses in professional development, curriculum development, program development and other areas. SUNY was looking for faculty and professional staff who are champions in any type of applied learning including, but not limited to: hands-on research, internships, service learning, civic engagement, field and clinical placements, and teacher education. Experts have experience creating how-to manuals, completing exemplary applied learning activities in a particular discipline, or developing techniques for engaging with partners, helping students navigate approved applied learning activities, or measuring student outcomes.

Below is a listing of the Stony Brook University faculty and staff across a wide range of disciplines who have been identified, and have agreed, to serve on the SUNY Applied Learning Corps of Experts:

  • Jennifer Anderson, Associate Professor, History
  • Peggy Christoff, Senior Lecturer, Asian & Asian American Studies
  • Amy Cook, Associate Professor, Theater Arts
  • David Ferguson, Distinguished Service Professor, Technology & Society
  • Mary Frame, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
  • Heidi Hutner, Director, Sustainability Studies Program
  • Ryan Giles, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
  • Kristina Lucenko, Director, Program in Writing & Rhetoric
  • Komal Magsi, Lecturer, Technology & Society
  • Marie Marino, Clinical Associate Professor, Nursing
  • Ross Nehm, Associate Professor, Ecology & Evolution
  • Adrian Perez-Melgosa, Associate Professor, Hispanic Languages & Literature
  • Joseph Pierce, Assistant Professor, Hispanic Languages & Literature
  • Anthony Scarlatos, Lecturer, Computer Science
  • Margaret Schedel, Associate Professor, Music
  • Keith Sheppard, Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
  • Catherine Scott, Assessment Specialist, The Faculty Center
  • Urszula Zalewski, Assistant Director, Career Center

2017 Summer Online Teaching Initiative
In order to provide more flexible and accessible instruction for our students and encourage our faculty to explore new teaching modes, the Office of the Provost created the 2017 Summer Online Teaching Initiative. This Initiative encourages faculty to offer online versions of existing courses, particularly courses that have strong demand, support timely degree completion and can serve a large number of students. After a competitive selection process, successful applicants will be supported by the professional staff in TLT and through consultation with experienced online instructors. The Provost's Online Executive Committee will review applications, solicit recommendations from a variety of faculty members from across different disciplines, and award supplementary stipends of $1500 for each course conversion. In cases where unusual faculty course development effort in adapting the materials and/or pedagogy would accompany the course conversion, the committee will provide a higher supplementary stipend.
Individual faculty must secure the consent of their chair prior to applying. Please note that course relief during the academic year is not available through this Initiative. After receiving consent, faculty should complete the application form, which will capture basic course information and faculty readiness, found at by October 24, 2016. At any point, faculty are invited to consult with the Associate Provost for Online Education, Wendy Tang, or the Assistant Provost for Enrollment Management, Stefan Hyman, regarding this Initiative.

Continuing Teacher & Leader Education (CTLE) Program Registration
Please distribute this message on Continuing Teacher & Leader Education (CTLE) program registration, as appropriate, within your respective areas. Starting July 1, 2016, all permanently or professionally certified teachers and Level III teaching assistants working in public schools or BOCES are required to register online with the New York State Education Department (NYSED). This registration process, which will begin on a rolling basis during the educator's birth month, will be done through the NYSED's TEACH system. Re-registration will be required every five years. Within those five years, teachers and Level III teaching assistants are also required to complete 100 hours of CTLE professional development requirements through a NYSED approved sponsor/provider. NYSED has identified the School of Professional Development at Stony Brook University as an approved provider. These new CTLE requirements replace the previous NYSED requirements for professional development hours.
As part of Stony Brook University’s administration and oversight of this new policy, we ask that areas across the institution submit a CTLE program registration form for review to the School of Professional Development for any programs that will grant professional development hours for teachers and Level III teaching assistants. This form will assist us in regulating this new requirement and ensuring that the programs being offered are aligned with NYS Professional Development Standards. If you do not submit this required CTLE program registration form, your program will not satisfy CTLE professional development requirements for teachers. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Jordan, Senior Assistant Dean for Records and Admissions, at
Chemistry Research Day at Stony Brook
On Friday, November 4, 2016, we will celebrate the 58th anniversary of our Chemistry Department here at Stony Brook University by hosting Chemistry Research Day—an annual showcase and celebration which features poster presentations by graduate students, undergraduates, and postdoctoral researchers highlighting the wide range of study in the department. In addition to Stony Brook faculty, staff and students, this event includes attendees from Brookhaven National Laboratory, area schools, and industry. Chemistry Research Day acts as a forum to recognize the many accomplishments of our students and to recruit new students to our Chemistry program. This event is also an excellent opportunity for undergraduates on campus, other members of our Stony Brook community, and faculty from local schools, to learn first-hand about the department’s research initiatives.
13th International Conference and Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World
On November 2-3, 2016, Stony Brook University will host the “13th International Conference and Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World” at the Melville Marriott. This premier international forum allows for a much-needed discussion of innovative applications of emerging technologies in infrastructure, healthcare, and energy, which are three of the most critical components of a smarter global environment. This two-day conference will focus on innovative, cutting-edge solutions and research findings in the areas of: the Internet of Things; Cybersecurity; Big Data Analytics and Visualization; Health Technologies and Medical Devices; Smart Energy; Smart Urban Systems; and Information Technology and Society. Access to target audiences, international delegations, and industry-geared tracks, as well as outlets for extensive business-to-business networking and optimal solutions will garner over 175 major national and international companies and universities to the event.