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Department of Student Community Development

Apartment Complex Listing


View Apartment Complex Listing Page

 For just $400,  you can have a rental listing posted for one full year. This listing makes your complex visible to over 25,000 Stony Brook students as well as faculty and staff members. In addition, we can include upcoming promotions in our bi-weekly newsletter that reaches all current commuter students.

To Create a Listing Complete the Following 2 Steps:

Step 1

Submit Information Form

Complete the following form which will provide us with necessary contact information as well as information to be posted on your listing.

Information Form

Step 2


Submit Payment

Payment is primarily made through Paypal. Please contact us at to inquire about pricing.


Upon the full completion of these 2 steps you will receive a confirmation email from our office. The email will include the notification of your listing's start date and expiration date.