Graduate Employment Opportunities
The HEA program actively promotes graduate employment and/or assistantship opportunities
available on the Student Affairs and Handshake websites.
To apply for any position noted, you should submit a resume and any other application
requirements as indicated in the job announcement. Departments interchangeably use
the terms GA (graduate assistant) and graduate employment.
Note that compensation varies based on the job. Very few departments offer tuition benefits/remission; some departments offer on-campus housing; most departments offer an hourly rate of pay. Be sure and ask the potential employer for specific compensation details.
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For Employers
Do you want to hire an HEA grad student or alum? Please post it to Handshake, the Career Center’s job database.
Career Center
The Career Center supports HEA students and alumni in all aspects of the job search process, including self-assessment, job search strategy, resume and professional branding, interview skills and practice.