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>Operations Research

The Advanced Graduate Certificate in Operations Research provides students with the fundamental applied mathematics tools for developing protocols for the efficient management of private companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations. In today's global marketplace, organizations need to be efficient to survive. The Operations Research program will provide formal training in methods of optimization, modeling and statistics used in operations research. The objective of this program is to help individuals assist organizations to make efficient use of their resources so as to maximize efficiency and minimize net cost. Graduates of this program may be able to advance in management and organizational planning positions within their current employment or obtain new employment. It is recommended that applicants to the program hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics, engineering or computer science.

Program Director

David Green, PhD
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director
Department of Applied Math and Statistics
Math Tower 1-115
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600

Graduate Certificate Awarded

Advanced Graduate Certificate in Operations Research




  • Personal statement.
  • A bachelor’s degree, with a cumulative 3.0 grade point average. It is recommended that applicants to the program hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics, engineering or computer science.
  • In those cases where the departmental admissions committee deems it desirable, personal interviews with departmental representatives may be necessary.



Certificate Requirements

This advanced certificate program of 18 credits, consisting of six three-credit courses, trains students in the fundamental mathematical tools for working in the operations research profession. Operations research is the field of applied mathematics related to efficient management of the activities of private companies, government agencies and nonprofit organizations. The following courses are required for certificate:

  • AMS 507 Introduction to Probability
  • AMS 540 Linear Programming
  • AMS 550 Stochastic Models
  • AMS 553 Simulation and Modeling
  • AMS 572 Data Analysis I

And one (3 credit) elective chosen by student in consultation with an advisor.

NOTE: The course descriptions for this program can be found  under Class Search in SOLAR and/or on the program's website.

Computer Support Services

Students in this program are welcome to use the University's Computing Center, the central facility for instructional, research, and administrative computing. All students are eligible for a campus-based computer account and may use dial-up numbers for access from off-site locations.


The program's faculty is composed of faculty from the University's Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics.