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Yong Chen




- University of Toronto

Research Topics:

Fisheries ecology, stock assessment, population and ecosystem dynamics, monitoring program design and optimization, climate change, fisheries management, international fisheries

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  • Bio/Research


    My lab focuses on quantitative fisheries ecology, population dynamics, and fisheries stock assessment and management. We investigate interactions between anthropogenic and environmental drivers and dynamics of fisheries populations and ecosystems. We develop modeling frameworks to assess invertebrate and finfish stocks of commercial and recreational importance to aid management. We evaluate the importance of data quality and quantity in fisheries assessment and management, design and optimize fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent monitoring programs, and develop management strategy evaluation frameworks. We evaluate impacts of climate change on dynamics of fisheries (e.g., habitat, fish distribution and life history, and fishing fleet dynamics) and ecosystems. We promote science-based management and international collaborations to improve fisheries management. Much of our work has been interdisciplinary. Our goal is to develop sustainable fisheries and ecosystem-based management, using an interdisciplinary approach of fisheries ecology, management policy, decision-making theory, mathematical and statistical modeling, and computer simulations.

  • Publications


    Chen, Y., Y. Jiao, and L. Chen. 2003. A general approach to developing robust frequentist and Bayesian stock assessment methods in fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 4:105-120.

    Chen, Y., M. Kanaiwa, and C. Wilson. 2005. Developing a Bayesian stock assessment framework for the American lobster fishery in the Gulf of Maine. New Zealand Journal of Freshwater and Marine Sciences 39:645-660.

    Truesdell, S., R. Hart, Y. Chen. 2017. Effects of unequal capture probability on stock assessment abundance and mortality estimates: An example using the US Atlantic sea scallop fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0296

    Chen, Y. 2017. Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico. In book: Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, pp.869-1038. C. H. Ward (ed.). DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-3456-0_9

    Cao, L., Y. Chen, S. Dong, A. Hanson, B Huang, D. Leadbitter, D. C. Little, E. K. Pikitch, Y. Qiu, Y. Sadovy, E. Mitchesonk, R. Sumailal, M. Williamsm, G. Xue, Y. Ye, W. Zhang, Y. Zhou, P.

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