Frank Roethel (PhD, 1981)
7/10/1947 - 3/26/2024
Frank Roethel was one of the first recipients of the PhD degree from SoMAS in 1981. His research focuses on incineration ash and was instrumental in the construction of The Boathouse on the South Campus of Stony Brook University. After graduation, Frank continued his work in the Waste Reduction and Management Institute at SoMAS and served as Director from 2020-2024. As a Research Professor at SoMAS, his primary research interests focused on the environmental issues associated with combustion by-products, including ash from the incineration of garbage and trash. In both marine And terrestrial systems, his research examines a diverse array of potential contaminant exposure including leaching behavior, particulate exposure pathways and beneficial utilization strategies.
Frank is interested in developing and assessing the performance of secondary materials – primarily construction quality materials made from waste derived combustion products. The uses of ash as an aggregate substitute in concrete, asphalt for roadbase and as a structural fill materials are all currently under investigation.
His expertise has provided Frank with opportunities to work with researchers from other institutions, such as helping assess the behavior of ash/concrete blocks being used by the Government of Bermuda for shore protection applications. In addition, he has helped the State of Tennessee analyze the use of processed and treated MSW combustion ash as an aggregate substitute and collecting data for use in a life cycle analysis of the long-term human and ecological risks associated with ash reuse.
Frank’s research is documented in the Marine Sciences Research Center’s Working Papers
24, 26 and 27:
- The Fixation of incineration ash : physical and leachate properties — Interim Report Roethel (1986-02)
- The Fixation of incineration residues: final report August 1986 Roethel, Schaeperkoetter, Gregg & Park. (1986-08).
The Boathouse was certified by Ripley’s Believe it or Not! for the contribution of Incinerated Garbage Blocks on November 20, 1991.
On October 2, 2015, Dr. Frank Roethel gave a 25th anniversary talk about The Boathouse, titled "Structural Integrity & Chemical Composition of the Boathouse Ash Blocks." Photos of The Boathouse, including construction and unveiling photos, are available on Google Photos. On October 2, 1991, the first incineration ash-cement blocks were laid in a ceremony to inaugurate the construction of the Boathouse. In September 2001, the Boat House was painted the familiar green and blue you see today. A gallery of images of the renovation is available.
We celebrated Frank's retirement on March 1, 2024 and sadly lost Frank on March 26, 2024. Frank was honored at the 2024 Larry Swanson Environmental Symoposium.