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Elizabeth Rogers (MA, 2012)

Elizabeth Rogers Fire Island National Seashore

In her role as Fire Island National Seashore’s Public Affairs Specialist, Elizabeth Rogers managed press relations, digital media, and led science communications efforts. She worked closely with experts from all divisions within the National Park Service and with researchers and partners to develop communications products for a variety of audiences.

Elizabeth offers the following advice for incoming Marine Conservation and Policy students:

“Get experience. Shadow, volunteer, intern, or work at an organization or in a position that interests you. There is no better way to find your way. Through these experiences you are bound to meet someone who can help connect you to the next best step in your career. So be open to every opportunity that comes your way. You never know where it may lead you!”

Elizabeth says that she “was fortunate enough to be involved in a student training program with the National Park Service during my time at SoMAS.” While managing my studies and a full-time job was not easy, the two programs prepared her well for the work she does now.

Elizabeth is now the Director of Development at the Elizabethtown Community Hospital, part of the University of Vermont Health Network.

Interviewed by MCP student Whitney Leigh