Celeste Stout (MA, 2017)
Celeste Stout is currently a Fisheries Management Specialist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the Office of Protected Resources in Silver Spring, Maryland. In this role Celeste works on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 10(a)(1)(b) Incidental Take Permits. These permits are required for any “take” of an endangered or threatened species incidental to, and not the purpose of, an otherwise lawful activity. She also works on ESA Section 4 evaluating whether a species should be added, removed, or reclassified in status on the Endangered Species List. This process of utilizing the best scientific and commercial information available to come to a decision is commonly referred to as the “Listing Process.”
Originally from New York, Celeste received her Bachelor’s from Stony Brook with a
double major in Marine Vertebrate Biology and Psychology. Her passion for marine conservation and resource management led her
to attend the Marine Conservation and Policy program at SoMAS where she loved the combination of biological science classes and communication
While in the MCP program, Celeste completed her capstone project with the National Marine Fisheries Service in the Office of Protected Resources with NOAA. She created an Access database that tracked the listing history of species petitioned to be listed as Endangered or Threatened under the ESA. After completing her MA, the office hired Celeste as a contract worker with Ocean Associates for about two years before she was hired on as a full-time federal employee. Celeste is an incredible example of how the work you do in the MCP program can jumpstart a rewarding and meaningful career!