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Scholarships and Graduate Stipends

SoMAS offers full tuition scholarships and stipends to virtually all entering students in the research based M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Students are generally brought in on teaching assistantships and after their first year, transferred to research assistantships. Actual stipend levels for individual students depends on availability of funds on grants. Students can earn up to $30,000 on specific fellowships. All SoMAS M.S. and Ph.D. students in good standing can expect full tuition support.

Information for M.A. in Marine Conservation & Policy students, and non-supported M.S. students, about financial aid available from Stony Brook University is found here.

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards

SoMAS has a variety of special awards available to graduate students. In addition to being eligible for a variety of programmatic awards, SoMAS students may also compete for the following awards: