Kathleen Fallon
Ph.D. 2002, Indiana University
Areas of Interest
political sociology, social movements, gender, international development, Africa
Professor Fallon's interests lie within political sociology, international development,
and gender studies. Specifically, she focuses on women’s social movements, women’s
political rights, women's health, and democracy within sub-Saharan Africa, as well
as across developing countries more broadly. She has done in-depth field research
within Ghana, examining the influence of democratization on women’s rights and the
emergence of the women’s movement, in addition to studying the influence of the international
women's movement on local activism. Through comparative analyses across developing
countries, and using both qualitative and quantitative methods, she has also researched
how types of democratic transitions influence women's political representation, how
women's legislative representation is linked to children's health outcomes, and how
women's activism contributes to the spread of women's political quotas. She is currently
working on projects that examine the effects of maternity leave policies on fertility
and child health outcomes, as well as exploring what factors contribute to the passage
of domestic violence laws across developing countries.
Selected Publications
Kim, Jessica and Kathleen M. Fallon. 2023. “Making Women Visible: How Gender Quotas Shape Global Attitudes towards Women in Politics.” Politics and Gender. 1-26. https://doi.org/ 10.1017/S1743923X23000089.
Kathleen M. Fallon & Sophia Boutilier*. 2022. “The Digital Divide within the Women’s Movement in Ghana: Implications for Voice and Inclusion,” Social Movement Studies. 21(5), 677- 696. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2021.1967122
Kim, Jessica* and Kathleen Fallon. 2020. “The Political Sociology of Democracy: From Measurement to Rights,” in The Handbook of Political Sociology, eds. I. Martin, T. Janosky, J. Misra, C. De Leon. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sommer, Jamie* and Kathleen Fallon. 2020. “The Pathway to Improving Human and Economic Development: Girls’ Secondary Education, Governance, and Education Expenditures.” Social Forces. 99(1): 205–229.
Fallon, Kathleen, Anna-Liisa Aunio, and Jessica Kim. 2018. "Decoupling International
Agreements from Domestic Policy: The State and Soft Repression." Human Rights Quarterly
40(4): 932-961.
Fallon, Kathleen, Alissa Mazar, and Liam Swiss. 2017. "The Benefits of Maternity Leave." World Development. 96: 102-118.
Fallon, Kathleen and Heidi E. Rademacher. 2017. "Social Movements as Women's Political Empowerment: The Case for Measurement." in Measuring Women's Political Empowerment, eds. A. Alexander, C. Bolzendahl, and F. Jalalzai. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Swiss, Liam and Kathleen Fallon. 2016. "Women's Transnational Activism, Norm Cascades, and Quota Adoption in the Developing
World." Politics and Gender. 13(3), 458-487.
Fallon, Kathleen and Julie Moreau. 2016. "Revisiting Repertoire Transition: Women's Nakedness as Potent Protests in Nigeria
and Kenya." Mobilization 21(3) 323-340
Swiss, Liam, Kathleen Fallon, and Giovani Burgos. 2012. "Reaching a Critical Mass:
Women's Political Representation and Child Health in Developing Countries” Social Forces 91(2): 531-58.
Fallon, Kathleen, Liam Swiss, and Jocelyn Viterna. 2012. "Resolving the Democracy Paradox: How Democratization Affects Women’s Legislative Representation in Developing Nations." American Sociological Review 77(3): 380-408.
Fallon, K. 2008. Democracy and the Rise of Women’s Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Viterna J., and Fallon K. 2008. Democratization, Women’s Movements, and Gender-Equitable States: A Framework for Comparison. American Sociological Review 74(3): 668-689.