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DOE EXPRESS: 2025 Exploratory Research for Extreme-Scale Science 

DOE EXPRESS Pre-Application Portal

New Requirement: All applications for this internal competition must be submitted via InfoReady. You can sign in using your Net-ID and your email address. Please allow sufficient time to familiarize yourself with the portal prior to submitting your pre-application. Pre-application requirements are listed in the announcement below.

The Office for Research and Innovation invites applications to the DOE EXPRESS: 2025 Exploratory Research for Extreme-Scale Science program. The DOE EXPRESS program funds basic research to explore potentially high-impact approaches in scientific computing and extreme-scale science. Stony Brook University can submit no more than a total of TWO pre-applications or applications per research area as the lead institution in a single- or multi-institutional team.

Please see below for details. If you are interested in applying, you must submit a pre-application via the EXPRESS Pre-Application Portal in InfoReady by Thursday, February 13, 2025.  Pre-applications for internal review and selection must be uploaded to the portal as a single PDF document. 

WHAT DOES IT FUND: Exploratory Research for Extreme-Scale Science (EXPRESS) opportunities exist for the following research topics:

  • A) Quantum computation based on topological concepts;
  • B) Local and Campus-Area Quantum Networking for Next Generation Parallel Quantum Computing;
  • C) Neuromorphic Computing;
  • D) Computational Physical Systems;
  • E) Deep Understanding of AI Models


AWARD: Up to $250,000 per year for 2 years

SPONSOR DEADLINE: Pre-application (required) due February 25, 2025; application due May 6, 2025

A complete pre-application should comprise of the following:

  • Scientific Hypothesis (no more than 100 words) Specify at least one scientific hypothesis whose investigation motivates the proposed work. For any hypothesis that is not itself innovative, the pre-application must describe at least one innovative insight into how the hypothesis can be investigated that may be exploited by the planned research.
  • Project Description (no more than two pages) A clear and concise description of the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research. The Project Description may not exceed two pages, when printed using standard letter-size (8.5-inch x 11-inch) paper with 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). The body text font must not be smaller than 11 point. Figures and references, if included, must fit within the two-page limit.
  • A listing of senior/key personnel (no page limit)
  • Institutional Partners (no page limit) If a multi-institutional team is being proposed, list all institutions by name with each institution’s PI on the same line.