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Celia Marshik

celia marshikDean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education

Celia Marshik is a product of the Midwest and the Big Ten: she holds a B.A. from the University of Minnesota (English/Women's Studies) and a Ph.D. in English and Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies from Northwestern University. She is a first generation college graduate and the first in her extended family to receive an advanced degree.

Her research focuses on British modernism, including the relationships between literature and the law and between modernism and cultural studies. She is the author of  British Modernism and Censorship  (Cambridge UP, 2006), At the Mercy of Their Clothes: Modernism, the Middlebrow, and British Garment Culture  (Columbia UP, 2017), and, with Allison Pease, Modernism, Sex and Gender(Bloomsbury, 2018) as well as the editor of The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Culture(2015). She has published articles on modernism in Modernism/modernity, Feminist Modernist Studies. James Joyce Quarterly, and other venues and recently co-edited a special issue of ELN on the topic of “Fashion’s Borders.”

Dr. Marshik has played leadership roles in the Modernist Studies Association and on a Modern Language Association forum. She is a former department chair and graduate program director at Stony Brook and proudly holds the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2020-2021), the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service by a Graduate Program Director (2010), and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2007). When she’s not on campus, she enjoys gardening, live music, and getting outside for a run, a bike ride, or a trip to the beach.


Gianna Juliano-Hooper
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Phone: 631.632.7035
2401 Computer Science Bldg.
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4433