Pedestrian Safety and Distracted Driving
An interactive discussion/lecture to teach the campus community tips and applications
that can help limit the damage done by distracted driving and keep all pedestrians
and drivers safe on the road.
The purpose behind the program is to train young drivers and young future drivers not to develop bad habits such as texting and driving to make our roads safer for all motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
Request an Pedestrian Safety/Distracted Driving Program
Reactions - Not Distractions
The Stony Brook University Police Department is campaigning for a safer campus community. Whether you're a driver or a pedestrian, individuals can take control of distractions that are often times harmful and threaten the safety of everyone. Help us make our roads and our community safer for everyone.
What is Driver and Pedestrian Distraction?
A distraction is any activity that shifts attention away from the primary task: walking or driving.
Driving While Distracted (DWD)
- Distraction from cell phone use while driving (hand held or hands free) extends a driver's reaction time as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent.
- The number one source of driver inattention is use of a wireless device.
- Drivers that use cell phones are four times as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves.
- 10 percent of drivers aged 16 to 24 years old are on their phone at any one time.
- Driving while distracted is a factor in 25 percent of police reported crashes.
- Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37 percent.
Pedestrian Distractions
When using a cell phone, pedestrians commonly:
- Walk slower
- Are less likely to notice other objects in their environment
- Select smaller crossing gaps in traffic
- Are less likely to look at traffic before starting to cross the road
- Are less likely to wait for traffic to stop
- Are less likely to look at traffic while crossing the road
- Are more likely to walk out in front of an approaching car
Using electronic devices like cell phones and MP3 players while walking can increase your likelihood of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid distractions. No plan or strategy guarantees your safety; all you can do is remain cautious and take no unnecessary chances. The more careful you are, the safer you will be.
Pledge Your Support!
Campus Safety. It's our job, but it's everyone's responsibility.