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K7-41. RC Circuit - Differentiation And Integration


To demonstrate differentiation and integration using RC circuits.


Oscillator, 4 kilohm resistor and 0.01 microfarad capacitor for differentiator, 2.7 megohm resistor and 0.1 microfarad capacitor for integrator, dual trace oscilloscope with scope/TV cart.

Setup Time

5 minutes.




A series RC circuit is used to obtain the derivative or the integral of a periodic electronic signal. For differentiation the time constant of the series RC circuit must be very small compared to the period of the wave. The derivative is sensed as the voltage across the resistor (current in the circuit). For integration the time constant of the series RC circuit must be very large compared to the period of the wave. The integral is sensed as the voltage across the capacitor. Waves from a signal generator are input into the circuit, including sine wave, triangular wave, sawtooth, and square