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Award Negotiation and Acceptance

The Award Negotiation and Acceptance stage encompasses the activities that take place after a proposal is submitted, up until the fully-executed (signed) award has been received and passed to the Accounts Establishment and Management Unit for account set-up.   During this stage, a lot of behind the scenes action is taking place in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) as the team of Specialists review the terms and conditions of the award notice, making sure RFSUNY/SBU can accept the terms provided by the sponsor. The award mechanism (grant, cooperative agreement or contract) and the sponsor will largely determine the length and complexity of the negotiation process. 

Who Can Negotiate an Award?

The OSP staff is responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of awards, contracts and cooperative agreements which define the relationship between the University and the sponsor and clarify each party's obligations. This is done in consultation with the PI so that he or she understands the issues involved with a contract and can assist by providing background information pertinent to the research being contemplated.

Please note all federal and NYS (sub)contractual proposals, with the exception of for-profit/industry collaborations, are processed by the preaward team of Grants and Contracts Specialists while agreements  are processed by the team of either Contracts and Subawards Specialists or Contracts and Clinical Trials Officers.

Agreement types handled by Specialist - Click on the links to learn more about each type of Agreement
Kristen Ford / Derek Bell:

Federal Contracts - Other universities to SBU subawards for federal/ FDP prime source

Other universities to SBU subawards for non-federal/non FDP prime source

New York State Agreements

Interpersonal Agency Agreements (IPAs)

SPIR and BNL Graduate Student Support Agreements*

 *SPIR and BNL Graduate Student Support proposals and agreements are handled by Kathryn Belmonte, Administrative Staff Assistant 

Dawn Alomar / Danielle Kelly / Steven Spaccarelli / Vacant:

Corporate/Non-Federal Research Contracts and Subcontracts

Local Sub/Agreements (Town, County, School Districts)

Testing/Lab Study Agreements

Clinical Trial Agreements

Data Use Agreements (DUAs)

Visiting Scientist Agreements


Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs)

Other universities to SBU subawards for non-federal/non FDP prime source

Non-profit, Foundation and Gift (Sub)Agreements  

Selamu Shega:

Outgoing Subawards

Grants and Contracts Specialists Team - Preaward:


Federal Cooperative Agreements, Subawards, Contracts

University to University Federal Subgrants Proposal Submissions (FDP)

NY State and other states submissions